BLUEPORTALX1 = $0664 BLUEPORTALX2 = $0665 BLUEPORTALY1 = $0666 BLUEPORTALY2 = $0667 REDPORTALX1 = $0668 REDPORTALX2 = $0669 REDPORTALY1 = $066A REDPORTALY2 = $066B dcb "INIT" JSR SUB_HORZ_POS TYA STA $157C,x RTL dcb "MAIN" PHB ;\ PHK ; | Change the data bank to the one our code is running from. PLB ; | This is a good practice. JSR SpriteCode ; | Jump to the sprite's function. PLB ; | Restore old data bank. RTL ;/ And return. ;=================================== ;Sprite Function ;=================================== RETURN: RTS NoneFound: RTS NoContact: RTS SpriteCode: JSR Graphics LDA $14C8,x ;\ CMP #$08 ; | If sprite dead, BNE RETURN ;/ Return. LDA $9D ;\ BNE RETURN ;/ If locked, return. JSR SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X0 ; Handle offscreen. LDA $E4,x STA REDPORTALX1 LDA $14E0,x STA REDPORTALX2 LDA $D8,x STA REDPORTALY1 LDA $14D4x STA REDPORTALY2 ;LDY $0661 ;LDA #$Ff ;STA $0661 ;CPY #$FF ;BEQ NoneFound JSL $01A7DC ;Mario contact check BCC NoContact ;if it's none, just end the code. LDA BLUEPORTALX1 ;teleport Mario to blue portal on next frame STA $94 LDA BLUEPORTALX2 STA $95 LDA BLUEPORTALY1 STA $96 LDA BLUEPORTALY2 STA $97 RTS ;=================================== ;Graphics Code ;=================================== PROPERTIES: dcb $49,$09 TILEMAP: dcb $CC,$CA YDISP: dcb $10,$00 Graphics: JSR GET_DRAW_INFO ; Before actually coding the graphics, we need a routine that will get the current sprite's value ; into the OAM. ; The OAM being a place where the tile data for the current sprite will be stored. LDA $157C,x STA $02 ; Store direction to $02 for use with property routine later. PHX ;\ Push the sprite index, since we're using it for a loop. LDX #$01 ;/ X = number of times to loop through. Since we only draw one MORE tile, loop one more time. Loop: LDA $00 ;\ STA $0300,y ;/ Draw the X position of the sprite LDA $01 ;\ SEC ; | Y displacement is added for the Y position, so one tile is higher than the other. SBC YDISP,x ; | Otherwise, both tiles would have been drawn to the same position! STA $0301,y ; | If X is 00, i.e. first tile, then load the first value from the table and apply that ;/ as the displacement. For the second tile, F0 is added to make it higher than the first. LDA TILEMAP,x ; X still contains index for the tile to draw. If it's the first tile, draw first tile in STA $0302,y ; the table. If X = 01, i.e. second tile, draw second tile in the table. PHX ; Push number of times to go through loop (01), because we're using it for a table here. LDX $02 ;\ LDA PROPERTIES,x ; | Set properties based on direction. ORA $64 STA $0303,y ;/ PLX ; Pull number of times to go through loop. INY ;\ INY ; | The OAM is 8x8, but our sprite is 16x16 .. INY ; | So increment it 4 times. INY ;/ DEX ; After drawing this tile, decrease number of tiles to go through loop. If the second tile ; is drawn, then loop again to draw the first tile. BPL Loop ; Loop until X becomes negative (FF). PLX ; Pull back the sprite index! We pushed it at the beginning of the routine. LDY #$02 ; Y ends with the tile size .. 02 means it's 16x16 LDA #$01 ; A -> number of tiles drawn - 1. ; I drew 2 tiles, so 2-1 = 1. A = 01. JSL $01B7B3 ; Call the routine that draws the sprite. RTS ; Never forget this! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; GET_DRAW_INFO ; This is a helper for the graphics routine. It sets off screen flags, and sets up ; variables. It will return with the following: ; ; Y = index to sprite OAM ($300) ; $00 = sprite x position relative to screen boarder ; $01 = sprite y position relative to screen boarder ; ; It is adapted from the subroutine at $03B760 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPR_T1 dcb $0C,$1C SPR_T2 dcb $01,$02 GET_DRAW_INFO STZ $186C,x ; reset sprite offscreen flag, vertical STZ $15A0,x ; reset sprite offscreen flag, horizontal LDA $E4,x ; \ CMP $1A ; | set horizontal offscreen if necessary LDA $14E0,x ; | SBC $1B ; | BEQ ON_SCREEN_X ; | INC $15A0,x ; / ON_SCREEN_X LDA $14E0,x ; \ XBA ; | LDA $E4,x ; | REP #$20 ; | SEC ; | SBC $1A ; | mark sprite invalid if far enough off screen CLC ; | ADC.W #$0040 ; | CMP.W #$0180 ; | SEP #$20 ; | ROL A ; | AND #$01 ; | STA $15C4,x ; / BNE INVALID ; LDY #$00 ; \ set up loop: LDA $1662,x ; | AND #$20 ; | if not smushed (1662 & 0x20), go through loop twice BEQ ON_SCREEN_LOOP ; | else, go through loop once INY ; / ON_SCREEN_LOOP LDA $D8,x ; \ CLC ; | set vertical offscreen if necessary ADC SPR_T1,y ; | PHP ; | CMP $1C ; | (vert screen boundry) ROL $00 ; | PLP ; | LDA $14D4,x ; | ADC #$00 ; | LSR $00 ; | SBC $1D ; | BEQ ON_SCREEN_Y ; | LDA $186C,x ; | (vert offscreen) ORA SPR_T2,y ; | STA $186C,x ; | ON_SCREEN_Y DEY ; | BPL ON_SCREEN_LOOP ; / LDY $15EA,x ; get offset to sprite OAM LDA $E4,x ; \ SEC ; | SBC $1A ; | $00 = sprite x position relative to screen boarder STA $00 ; / LDA $D8,x ; \ SEC ; | SBC $1C ; | $01 = sprite y position relative to screen boarder STA $01 ; / RTS ; return INVALID PLA ; \ return from *main gfx routine* subroutine... PLA ; | ...(not just this subroutine) RTS ; / ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SUB_OFF_SCREEN ; This subroutine deals with sprites that have moved off screen ; It is adapted from the subroutine at $01AC0D ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPR_T12: db $40,$B0 SPR_T13: db $01,$FF SPR_T14: db $30,$C0,$A0,$C0,$A0,$F0,$60,$90 ;bank 1 sizes db $30,$C0,$A0,$80,$A0,$40,$60,$B0 ;bank 3 sizes SPR_T15: db $01,$FF,$01,$FF,$01,$FF,$01,$FF ;bank 1 sizes db $01,$FF,$01,$FF,$01,$00,$01,$FF ;bank 3 sizes SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X1: LDA #$02 ; \ entry point of routine determines value of $03 BRA STORE_03 ; | (table entry to use on horizontal levels) SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X2: LDA #$04 ; | BRA STORE_03 ; | SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X3: LDA #$06 ; | BRA STORE_03 ; | SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X4: LDA #$08 ; | BRA STORE_03 ; | SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X5: LDA #$0A ; | BRA STORE_03 ; | SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X6: LDA #$0C ; | BRA STORE_03 ; | OMG YOU FOUND THIS HIDDEN z0mg place!111 you win a cookie! SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X7: LDA #$0E ; | STORE_03: STA $03 ; | BRA START_SUB ; | SUB_OFF_SCREEN_X0: STZ $03 ; / START_SUB: JSR SUB_IS_OFF_SCREEN ; \ if sprite is not off screen, return BEQ RETURN_35 ; / LDA $5B ; \ goto VERTICAL_LEVEL if vertical level AND #$01 ; | BNE VERTICAL_LEVEL ; / LDA $D8,x ; \ CLC ; | ADC #$50 ; | if the sprite has gone off the bottom of the level... LDA $14D4,x ; | (if adding 0x50 to the sprite y position would make the high byte >= 2) ADC #$00 ; | CMP #$02 ; | BPL ERASE_SPRITE ; / ...erase the sprite LDA $167A,x ; \ if "process offscreen" flag is set, return AND #$04 ; | BNE RETURN_35 ; / LDA $13 ;A:8A00 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdiZcHC:0756 VC:176 00 FL:205 AND #$01 ;A:8A01 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizcHC:0780 VC:176 00 FL:205 ORA $03 ;A:8A01 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizcHC:0796 VC:176 00 FL:205 STA $01 ;A:8A01 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizcHC:0820 VC:176 00 FL:205 TAY ;A:8A01 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizcHC:0844 VC:176 00 FL:205 LDA $1A ;A:8A01 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizcHC:0858 VC:176 00 FL:205 CLC ;A:8A00 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdiZcHC:0882 VC:176 00 FL:205 ADC SPR_T14,y ;A:8A00 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdiZcHC:0896 VC:176 00 FL:205 ROL $00 ;A:8AC0 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0928 VC:176 00 FL:205 CMP $E4,x ;A:8AC0 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:eNvMXdizCHC:0966 VC:176 00 FL:205 PHP ;A:8AC0 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizCHC:0996 VC:176 00 FL:205 LDA $1B ;A:8AC0 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F0 P:envMXdizCHC:1018 VC:176 00 FL:205 LSR $00 ;A:8A00 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F0 P:envMXdiZCHC:1042 VC:176 00 FL:205 ADC SPR_T15,y ;A:8A00 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F0 P:envMXdizcHC:1080 VC:176 00 FL:205 PLP ;A:8AFF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F0 P:eNvMXdizcHC:1112 VC:176 00 FL:205 SBC $14E0,x ;A:8AFF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizCHC:1140 VC:176 00 FL:205 STA $00 ;A:8AFF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:eNvMXdizCHC:1172 VC:176 00 FL:205 LSR $01 ;A:8AFF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:eNvMXdizCHC:1196 VC:176 00 FL:205 BCC SPR_L31 ;A:8AFF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdiZCHC:1234 VC:176 00 FL:205 EOR #$80 ;A:8AFF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdiZCHC:1250 VC:176 00 FL:205 STA $00 ;A:8A7F X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizCHC:1266 VC:176 00 FL:205 SPR_L31: LDA $00 ;A:8A7F X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizCHC:1290 VC:176 00 FL:205 BPL RETURN_35 ;A:8A7F X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F1 P:envMXdizCHC:1314 VC:176 00 FL:205 ERASE_SPRITE: LDA $14C8,x ; \ if sprite status < 8, permanently erase sprite CMP #$08 ; | BCC KILL_SPRITE ; / LDY $161A,x ;A:FF08 X:0007 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdiZCHC:1108 VC:059 00 FL:2878 CPY #$FF ;A:FF08 X:0007 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdiZCHC:1140 VC:059 00 FL:2878 BEQ KILL_SPRITE ;A:FF08 X:0007 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:1156 VC:059 00 FL:2878 LDA #$00 ;A:FF08 X:0007 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:1172 VC:059 00 FL:2878 STA $1938,y ;A:FF00 X:0007 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdiZcHC:1188 VC:059 00 FL:2878 KILL_SPRITE: STZ $14C8,x ; erase sprite RETURN_35: RTS ; return VERTICAL_LEVEL: LDA $167A,x ; \ if "process offscreen" flag is set, return AND #$04 ; | BNE RETURN_35 ; / LDA $13 ; \ LSR A ; | BCS RETURN_35 ; / LDA $E4,x ; \ CMP #$00 ; | if the sprite has gone off the side of the level... LDA $14E0,x ; | SBC #$00 ; | CMP #$02 ; | BCS ERASE_SPRITE ; / ...erase the sprite LDA $13 ;A:0000 X:0009 Y:00E4 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:1218 VC:250 00 FL:5379 LSR A ;A:0016 X:0009 Y:00E4 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:1242 VC:250 00 FL:5379 AND #$01 ;A:000B X:0009 Y:00E4 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:1256 VC:250 00 FL:5379 STA $01 ;A:0001 X:0009 Y:00E4 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:1272 VC:250 00 FL:5379 TAY ;A:0001 X:0009 Y:00E4 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:1296 VC:250 00 FL:5379 LDA $1C ;A:001A X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0052 VC:251 00 FL:5379 CLC ;A:00BD X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0076 VC:251 00 FL:5379 ADC SPR_T12,y ;A:00BD X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0090 VC:251 00 FL:5379 ROL $00 ;A:006D X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:enVMXdizCHC:0122 VC:251 00 FL:5379 CMP $D8,x ;A:006D X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNVMXdizcHC:0160 VC:251 00 FL:5379 PHP ;A:006D X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNVMXdizcHC:0190 VC:251 00 FL:5379 LDA $001D ;A:006D X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F2 P:eNVMXdizcHC:0212 VC:251 00 FL:5379 LSR $00 ;A:0000 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F2 P:enVMXdiZcHC:0244 VC:251 00 FL:5379 ADC SPR_T13,y ;A:0000 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F2 P:enVMXdizCHC:0282 VC:251 00 FL:5379 PLP ;A:0000 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F2 P:envMXdiZCHC:0314 VC:251 00 FL:5379 SBC $14D4,x ;A:0000 X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNVMXdizcHC:0342 VC:251 00 FL:5379 STA $00 ;A:00FF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0374 VC:251 00 FL:5379 LDY $01 ;A:00FF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0398 VC:251 00 FL:5379 BEQ SPR_L38 ;A:00FF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:0422 VC:251 00 FL:5379 EOR #$80 ;A:00FF X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:0438 VC:251 00 FL:5379 STA $00 ;A:007F X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:0454 VC:251 00 FL:5379 SPR_L38: LDA $00 ;A:007F X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:0478 VC:251 00 FL:5379 BPL RETURN_35 ;A:007F X:0009 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:envMXdizcHC:0502 VC:251 00 FL:5379 BMI ERASE_SPRITE ;A:8AFF X:0002 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:01 S:01F3 P:eNvMXdizcHC:0704 VC:184 00 FL:5490 SUB_IS_OFF_SCREEN: LDA $15A0,x ; \ if sprite is on screen, accumulator = 0 ORA $186C,x ; | RTS ; / return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SUB HORZ POS ; ; $B817 - horizontal mario/sprite check - shared ; Y = 1 if mario left of sprite?? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;org $03B817 SUB_HORZ_POS: LDY #$00 ;A:25D0 X:0006 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizCHC:1020 VC:097 00 FL:31642 LDA $94 ;A:25D0 X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:envMXdiZCHC:1036 VC:097 00 FL:31642 SEC ;A:25F0 X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizCHC:1060 VC:097 00 FL:31642 SBC $E4,x ;A:25F0 X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizCHC:1074 VC:097 00 FL:31642 STA $0F ;A:25F4 X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizcHC:1104 VC:097 00 FL:31642 LDA $95 ;A:25F4 X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizcHC:1128 VC:097 00 FL:31642 SBC $14E0,x ;A:2500 X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:envMXdiZcHC:1152 VC:097 00 FL:31642 BPL LABEL16 ;A:25FF X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizcHC:1184 VC:097 00 FL:31642 INY ;A:25FF X:0006 Y:0000 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:eNvMXdizcHC:1200 VC:097 00 FL:31642 LABEL16: RTS ;A:25FF X:0006 Y:0001 D:0000 DB:03 S:01ED P:envMXdizcHC:1214 VC:097 00 FL:31642