; Wall Jumping Patch 2.0 ; By: HuFlungDu ; Copyright: None. Use whatever you want in this patch to whatever means you ; wish. Claim it as your own if you want. No credit necessary macro RATS_start(id) db "STAR" dw RATS_Endcode-RATS_Startcode dw RATS_Endcode-RATS_Startcode^#$FFFF RATS_Startcode: endmacro macro RATS_end(id) RATS_Endcode: endmacro lorom ;\ ROM is LoRom header ;/ and has a header. ORG $A21B ;\ Hijack NMI routine JSL StatusCode ;| and jump to our code ;/ also NOP one time. ORG $138000 ;| POINT TO FREE SPACE!!! %RATS_start(0) StatusCode: LDA $77 ;\ AND #$08 ; check to see if not touching the ground, if, end BEQ return ;/ LDA $15 AND #$08 BEQ return LDA #$0B STA $13E0 LDA #$00 STA $7D STA $7B return: LDA $16 AND #$10 RTL %RATS_end(0)