; Ram Palette upload ; HuFlungDu ; Basically, this uploads the RAM at $0703 to CGRAM whenever the RAM address is set. ; The positive upshot ; of this is that you can use that RAM to update the palette at any point outside ; a blank, without using DMA (Which a lot of people don't understand). Make sure any edit ; you make to the table at 0703 is mirrored in 0905, otherwise the colors won't fade ; correctly at the level end. ; No credit necessary !Freespace = $138000 !FreeRAM = $7FA000 header lorom macro RATS_start(id) db "STAR" dw RATS_Endcode-RATS_Startcode dw RATS_Endcode-RATS_Startcode^#$FFFF RATS_Startcode: endmacro macro RATS_end(id) RATS_Endcode: endmacro org $00D934 JML FallingCheck org !Freespace %RATS_start(0) FallingCheck: PHX TYX LDA $19 CMP #$01 BNE + LDA $1470 BNE + LDA $7D CMP SpeedTable,x BCC .Return LDA SpeedTable,x BRA .Return + LDA $7D CMP.l $00D7AF,x BCC .Return LDA.l $00D7AF,x .Return PLX JML $00D93C SpeedTable: db $20,$10,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 %RATS_end(0)