This is the intro part, my starting it up, Jathys appearing, a bit of chatter, no lessons in here. ------------------------- Session Start: Sat Oct 18 20:30:55 2008 Session Ident: #smwc 03[20:30] * Now talking in #smwc 03[20:30] * Topic is 'Welcome to the SMWCentral Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor Workshop! If you are not participating, please find somewhere else to chat. | Rules: NO Spamming or Off-topicness. If you break these rules, you will lose voice for 5 minutes. Subsequent offenses will result in a kick and/or ban.' 03[20:30] * Set by FirePhoenix on Sat Oct 18 20:21:11 03[20:30] * GoonBot sets mode: +o FirePhoenix 00[20:31] <@FirePhoenix> WELCOME TO THE SMWCENTRAL SMILE WORKSHOP!!!! [20:31] <+Silver_Skree> :D [20:31] <+Yuki_Nagato> thanks :D 00[20:31] <@FirePhoenix> tonight/today you'll be learning the basics of hacking Sup[er Metroid 04[20:31] <+Silver_Skree> Thanks in advance for teaching, FP. 00[20:32] <@FirePhoenix> as you can see, we have a couple other people here 00[20:32] <@FirePhoenix> friends of mine from another channel [20:32] <@MatthewPZC> Yes, welcome [20:32] <+Silver_Skree> Hallo Thar. [20:32] <+LadyIcy> Hai [20:32] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Welcome, all of you! 00[20:32] <@FirePhoenix> and we also have a special guest tonight! [20:32] <+Silver_Skree> LadyIcy and Hiroshi too. [20:32] <+Haaaaaach> welcome graphics [20:32] <+LadyIcy> :D [20:32] <@MatthewPZC> It's nice to meet you all. [20:33] <+Tormentor2> Welcome new people, hope you all have a nice time [20:33] <+LadyIcy> I intend to [20:33] <+mm02> This'll be great :D 03[20:33] * Merlin is now known as Jathys 00[20:33] <@FirePhoenix> everyone say hi to Jathys [20:33] <+Haaaaaach> hai [20:33] <+Anti-matter_Drone> This is the first.... [20:33] <@MatthewPZC> Hello, Jathys [20:33] <+Tormentor2> Hi 00[20:33] <@FirePhoenix> Jathys is the creator of SMILE [20:33] <+Silver_Skree> oh, Jathys is here?? Hey dude! [20:33] <+LadyIcy> WHOA [20:33] <+Haaaaaach> cool beans [20:34] <+LadyIcy> Hey! [20:34] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Hello, Jathys! [20:34] <+Tormentor2> awesome [20:34] <+Jathys> hey hye 03[20:34] * FirePhoenix sets mode: +o Jathys [20:34] <+Silver_Skree> I watched Axiel's LP of Redesign... I heard Drew say you made him a custom version of SMILe just for him? [20:34] <+Hiroshi> Sup everyone, I guess I'd better start focusing on this window now and stop singing to this game music :p [20:34] <+Silver_Skree> not that anyone here expects the same, of course :P [20:34] <+Haaaaaach> kill him [20:34] <+Haaaaaach> lool [20:34] <+LadyIcy> TRAITOR [20:35] <+Haaaaaach> so [20:35] <+LadyIcy> STAY OUT [20:35] <+LadyIcy> lawl [20:35] <+Haaaaaach> what slope tiles can there be? [20:35] <+Hiroshi> Well, he is A Noob Is, after all :p [20:35] <+Haaaaaach> 1:1? [20:35] <+Haaaaaach> 1:2? 00[20:35] <@FirePhoenix> guys guys guys 00[20:35] <@FirePhoenix> I'll get to everything in time 00[20:35] <@FirePhoenix> I have an order in which I'll be teaching [20:35] <+Haaaaaach> i just need to know what to draw [20:35] <@Jathys> Step 1: Acceptance that Larry King is not a pervert? 00[20:35] <@FirePhoenix> oh , you're drawing graphics? [20:35] <+Silver_Skree> It [20:36] <+Hiroshi> I like Larry King, so I'm fine with that image [20:36] <+Silver_Skree> It's hilarous, Jathys. 00[20:36] <@FirePhoenix> SM actually has 1:1, 1:2, and recently discovered, 1:3 slopes [20:36] <+Amos> I think it is funny XD [20:36] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Neat! [20:36] <+Haaaaaach> ok [20:36] <+Haaaaaach> what about 2:1 and 3:1? [20:36] <+Troopa> larry king is awesome [20:36] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok 00[20:36] <@FirePhoenix> yes [20:36] <+Anti-matter_Drone> 1:3.... That would be like SMW gradual slopes, right? 00[20:36] <@FirePhoenix> those too 00[20:36] <@FirePhoenix> close 00[20:36] <@FirePhoenix> SMW's gradual slopes are 1:4 [20:36] <+Yuki_Nagato> the gradual slopes are 1:4 [20:37] <+Hiroshi> 1:3 sounds interesting. I wasn't aware that SM had anything but a one type of slope. 00[20:37] <@FirePhoenix> it was recently discovered ------------------------------ This is where the lessons begin. ------------------------------ Intro: 00[20:37] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY GUYS! 8D 00[20:37] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S BEGIN! [20:37] <+Amos> Okay ^_^ [20:37] <+LadyIcy> WOO [20:37] <+Silver_Skree> Yes, let's [20:37] <+Yuki_Nagato> yay :D 00[20:38] <@FirePhoenix> No more random discussions about SM 00[20:38] <@FirePhoenix> I'll actually start teaching now [20:38] <+Hiroshi> Yes, we need to concentrate. This is now a classroom. 00[20:38] <@FirePhoenix> yes 00[20:38] <@FirePhoenix> observe the rules too [20:38] <+LadyIcy> RAISE YOUR HAND TO SPEAK CHILDREN [20:38] <+Amos> lol 00[20:38] <@FirePhoenix> spamming will result in the loss of voice for 5 minutes [20:38] <+Silver_Skree> That means you too, LI :P 00[20:39] <@FirePhoenix> subsequent offenses will result in a kick and/or ban [20:39] <@Jathys> <--- can I spam this? 00[20:39] <@FirePhoenix> heh [20:39] <@Jathys> (last stupid thing from me) 04[20:39] <+Silver_Skree> Come on, let's go. I'm eager to learn from Jathys and FP 00[20:41] <@FirePhoenix> okay everyone be quiet I need to start Lesson 0: How to select a room 00[20:41] <@FirePhoenix> Open your copies of SMILE and select your SM rom 00[20:41] <@FirePhoenix> you should now see a funny picture 00[20:42] <@FirePhoenix> larry king interview :P [20:42] <+Amos> XD 00[20:42] <@FirePhoenix> now 00[20:42] <@FirePhoenix> to select a room 00[20:42] <@FirePhoenix> click on the light yellow drop down box in the mid upper right 00[20:43] <@FirePhoenix> don't forget to look at the picture I included with the .zip for reference *brief pause for conversation* 00[20:45] <@FirePhoenix> okay 00[20:45] <@FirePhoenix> did everyone find the room selector drop-down? [20:45] <+mm02> Yes 00[20:45] <@FirePhoenix> select room 791F8 from the list [20:46] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Ironically, I selected that without proir knowledge.... [20:46] <+LadyIcy> I just selected the first room [20:46] <+LadyIcy> lawl 00[20:46] <@FirePhoenix> well it is the first room :P [20:46] <+Hiroshi> That is, technically the first room in the list Lesson 1: Turning off the intro sequence in SM 00[20:46] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[20:46] <@FirePhoenix> now 00[20:46] <@FirePhoenix> this is the landing site room 00[20:46] <@FirePhoenix> it's as good a room as any to start with 00[20:47] <@FirePhoenix> for your reference, 00[20:47] <@FirePhoenix> there is no quick button to open your emulator through SMILE like there is in LM 00[20:47] <@FirePhoenix> so when you want to test your work 00[20:47] <@FirePhoenix> you must open the rom manually 00[20:47] <@FirePhoenix> now 00[20:47] <@FirePhoenix> EVERYONE DO THIS RIGHT NOW 00[20:48] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK EDIT 00[20:48] <@FirePhoenix> THEN SPECIAL 00[20:48] <@FirePhoenix> THEN GAME BEHAVIOR [20:48] <+Silver_Skree> oh boy, the Game Behavior [20:49] <+LadyIcy> got it 00[20:49] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK THE RIGHT ARROW, THEN THE LEFT ARROW 00[20:49] <@FirePhoenix> THEN UNCHECK THE BOX THAT SAYS SHOW INTRO [20:49] <+Amos> Oh, thats helpful :D [20:49] <+Silver_Skree> Ah yes. *does* 00[20:49] <@FirePhoenix> this will make it so you don't have to sit through the Ceres intro scenes 00[20:49] <@FirePhoenix> you will begin right on the planet [20:49] <+LadyIcy> oh sweet 00[20:50] <@FirePhoenix> this will make testing what you've done much much easier [20:50] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Wait.... Will you skip the station too? 00[20:50] <@FirePhoenix> yes [20:50] <+Silver_Skree> yup. 00[20:50] <@FirePhoenix> you'll start right in Crateria 00[20:50] <@FirePhoenix> on top of your ship [20:50] <+Yuki_Nagato> :o 00[20:51] <@FirePhoenix> the scroll bars on the side will move around the display 00[20:51] <@FirePhoenix> just like LM does [20:51] <+Anti-matter_Drone> We should hit Save, right? [20:52] <+Silver_Skree> yes, save the Game Behavior. [20:52] <+Silver_Skree> he's talking about the level editor now 00[20:52] <@FirePhoenix> yes 00[20:52] <@FirePhoenix> save the game behavior dialog after you uncheck "show Intro" [20:52] <+Yuki_Nagato> done :D Lesson 2: Fundamentals of Room Creation + creating a small hill/ledge. 00[20:52] <@FirePhoenix> now 00[20:52] <@FirePhoenix> FUNDAMENTALS OF CREATION 00[20:53] <@FirePhoenix> LEFT CLICK = PASTE 00[20:53] <@FirePhoenix> RIGHT CLICK + DRAG = SELECT 00[20:53] <@FirePhoenix> YOU CAN SELECT UP TO 16X16 TILES AT ONCE [20:53] <+Amos> Oh, wow! [20:53] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok [20:53] <+LadyIcy> whoa [20:53] <+Silver_Skree> quick question, Jathys. will removing layer 2 in the landing site make the room and/or ROM inoperable? 00[20:54] <@FirePhoenix> now 00[20:54] <@FirePhoenix> the box below the level contains all of the tiles available for your use 00[20:57] <@FirePhoenix> to select tiles from the bottom box, 00[20:57] <@FirePhoenix> just left click on them 00[20:57] <@FirePhoenix> then go up to the room screen 00[20:57] <@FirePhoenix> and left click again to paste them [20:57] <+Silver_Skree> right and left clicking is interchangable in that box, by the way. 00[20:58] <@FirePhoenix> right clicking allows you to select multiple tiles from the box [20:58] <+Silver_Skree> true. 00[20:58] <@FirePhoenix> all right [20:58] <+Hiroshi> That would be useful if you wanted to take out several tiles instead of going back and forth? 00[20:58] <@FirePhoenix> let's try creating some landscapes 00[20:58] <@FirePhoenix> hiro: yes 00[20:59] <@FirePhoenix> select an assortment of tiles from the room display 00[20:59] <@FirePhoenix> get some from the ground hear the ship 00[21:01] <@FirePhoenix> right click and select some of the tiles from the ground [21:02] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok 00[21:02] <@FirePhoenix> they will appear in the clipboard on the right side 00[21:02] <@FirePhoenix> now 00[21:02] <@FirePhoenix> wherever you left click, you will paste those tiles [21:02] <@Jathys> (if you click in the clipboard on the right, you can enable/disable pieces of the clipboard... though never that last piece) [21:03] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Would clicking it again re-enable it or does it automaticly delete it from "storage"? 00[21:03] <@FirePhoenix> try building a ledge or something out of the tiles [21:03] <+LadyIcy> yay I made a hill 00[21:04] <@FirePhoenix> hills are good too 00[21:04] <@FirePhoenix> AMD: if you click the tile again 00[21:04] <@FirePhoenix> it will reappear [21:04] <+mm02> I pasted mine somewhere random. I like how this is done so far. [21:04] <@MatthewPZC> I just made a floating horizontal ledge. Hahahaha. [21:04] <@Jathys> clicking again re-enables it... there's a bug in the current version that prevents the last tile from being re-enabled in certain conditions though [21:04] <+LadyIcy> Wow this is pretty easy 00[21:04] <@FirePhoenix> it is actually [21:05] <+Silver_Skree> yeah, it's a very nice tool [21:05] <+mm02> Which one is the last one? 00[21:05] <@FirePhoenix> the bottom right corner [21:05] <+Hiroshi> Question. If we want to make a change to say... a wall near the landing site, and want to remove some of the slopes, how do we do that? [21:06] <+Hiroshi> Also in the same vein, how do we select a slope from the BTS tab? I tried to earlier, and it wouldn't work [21:06] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I think you could copy the air tiles.... 00[21:07] <@FirePhoenix> Hiroshi: I'll get to tile types in a moment 00[21:08] <@FirePhoenix> okay does everyone have some sort of hill/ledge/rock made? [21:08] <+Amos> D= I did something bad! I'm falling through the floor! [21:08] <+LadyIcy> meee 00[21:08] <@FirePhoenix> amos: don't worry 00[21:08] <@FirePhoenix> you probably have a tile set to act like air [21:08] <+Amos> Oh. 00[21:10] <@FirePhoenix> if you haven't done so already, test your hill [21:10] <+LadyIcy> how..? [21:10] <+LadyIcy> <_>; 00[21:10] <@FirePhoenix> open your SM rom in your emulator [21:10] <+LadyIcy> oh 00[21:10] <@FirePhoenix> and select a file 00[21:10] <@FirePhoenix> :P 00[21:10] <@FirePhoenix> you should start directly in crateria and skip the intro scene since we unchecked the show intro box [21:10] <@Jathys> (tip #001: right click on a tile to choose it... then, in the picture off to the right which shows if the tile acts like air/solid/etc... double click on the picture and smile will show you all the tiles of that type in your room) [21:11] <@Jathys> (easy way to tell where you screwed up solidity in a room) [21:11] <+Silver_Skree> yeah, I use that a lot jathys when making slope paths withing walls. thank yuo for adding it :P 00[21:11] <@FirePhoenix> if your hill works like it should, 00[21:11] <@FirePhoenix> congratulations 00[21:11] <@FirePhoenix> if not, [21:11] <+Yuki_Nagato> how would I go about deleting a tile from the level window 00[21:11] <@FirePhoenix> don't worry, that's why we're here [21:12] <+Silver_Skree> select an Air tile and just click or drag over it, YN 00[21:12] <@FirePhoenix> Yuki: you overwrite it with an air tile [21:12] <+mm02> Looking and working good on mine [21:12] <+DiamondPhoenix> smw? or other? [21:12] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It works like it should! :D 00[21:12] <@FirePhoenix> super metroid [21:12] <+BusterBeetle> wait, what's the number, sorry D: 00[21:12] <@FirePhoenix> that's the purpose of this workshop DP [21:12] <+Anti-matter_Drone> 791F8 [21:12] <+BusterBeetle> Ok, thanks 00[21:12] <@FirePhoenix> room number 791F8 [21:12] <+Amos> Its the first one :P [21:12] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I am the nija now! [21:13] <+Anti-matter_Drone> *ninja 00[21:13] <@FirePhoenix> anyone's hill work incorrectly? [21:13] <+Amos> I fixed mine finnally :) [21:13] <@MatthewPZC> Mine does [21:13] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I get the next part! [21:14] <+Yuki_Nagato> hold on let me change my ledge into a hill [21:14] <+Hiroshi> My hill (which looks weird in mid air) works fine. [21:14] <+Anti-matter_Drone> What is a treadmill? I don't recall them existing in SM.... [21:14] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Oh wait.... I'm skipping ahead.... 00[21:14] <@FirePhoenix> I'll explain special types of tiles later *This is where I switched to all caps so I could be distinguished better. Thanks for the great suggestion Hiroshi. 00[21:15] <@FirePhoenix> I'M NOT YELLING I SWEAR 00[21:17] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[21:17] <@FirePhoenix> DOES EVERYONE HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THIS? [21:17] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yes. 00[21:17] <@FirePhoenix> [21:17] <+Hiroshi> More or less [21:17] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I made mine kind far up though.... XD [21:17] <+Amos> Ehh. [21:17] <+BusterBeetle> Oh finally [21:17] <+Amos> More or less, yeah [21:17] <+BusterBeetle> I think I've caught up :D [21:17] <+Yuki_Nagato> I've caught up 04[21:17] <@MatthewPZC> FP: Oh, that. I was building something in midair. XD [21:17] <+Yuki_Nagato> my hill worked on the first try yay 00[21:18] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S OKAY TOO [21:18] <+LadyIcy> I'm stuck hang on [21:18] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh what I need to try something else [21:18] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok then I must not be caught up Lesson 3: BTS Slopes 00[21:19] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[21:19] <@FirePhoenix> TRY CONSTRUCTING A HILL USING THE TILES FROM THE TILE BOX BELOW 00[21:20] <@FirePhoenix> LEAVE THE TILES FROM YOUR HILL ALONE 00[21:20] <@FirePhoenix> AND TRY MAKING A NEW ONE WITH THE TILES FROM THE TILE BOX BELOW 00[21:20] <@FirePhoenix> YOU'LL FIND THAT THE TILES LOOK/ACT A BIT DIFFERENT [21:21] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I have a problem.... [21:21] <+Silver_Skree> the = button will make the properties of thhe block you have your mouse over equal to those of the most upper-left tile in your clipboard. [21:21] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It only selects the powerbomb block.... 00[21:21] <@FirePhoenix> AHAH [21:21] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I mean as the graphics.... 00[21:21] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S WHAT I WAS GETTING AT [21:22] <+Silver_Skree> select a solid block and press = over the PB lock 00[21:22] <@FirePhoenix> YOU SEE 00[21:22] <@FirePhoenix> IF YOU HAVE A PB BLOCK OVER YOUR TILE, 00[21:22] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S BECAUSE THE TILE IS SET TO ACT LIKE A POWER BOMB BLOCK [21:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It isn't though.... 00[21:22] <@FirePhoenix> THIS IS WHERE WE GET INTO TILE PROPERTIES [21:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I set it to slope.... [21:23] <+Yuki_Nagato> try setting it again, it worked for me 00[21:23] <@FirePhoenix> I KNOW YOU DID [21:23] <+Amos> Oh, wow! This is getting compex. [21:23] <+Silver_Skree> Press F3. it toggles the appearences of slopes and specially shot blocks 00[21:23] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[21:23] <@FirePhoenix> YOU'LL SEE YOUR SLOPE IS STILL THERE 00[21:23] <@FirePhoenix> IT'S JUST SET TO ACT LIKE A PB BLOCK 00[21:24] <@FirePhoenix> AMD [21:24] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Oh wait! I know! I was left clicking! XD 00[21:24] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> TO MAKE IT NOT LOOK/ACT LIKE A PB 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> BLOCK 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> RIGHT CLICK THE TILE 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> ACTUALLY NO 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> AT THE TOP 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> ABOVE THE CLIPBOARD 00[21:25] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK ON THE TAB THAT SAYS "BTS" [21:26] <+BusterBeetle> Which one is the power bomb block [21:26] <+Yuki_Nagato> now I have my Ledge and Hill (TM) and they both work yay 00[21:26] <@FirePhoenix> NOW [21:27] <@Jathys> (F3 is just to show/hide bts changes... F1 and F2 are for layers 1 and 2... ) 00[21:27] <@FirePhoenix> IN THE BTS TAB [21:27] <+Silver_Skree> BTS, not just slopes. this difference will become significant soon. [21:27] <+BusterBeetle> Oh, I see :D 00[21:27] <@FirePhoenix> THERE'S A SERIES OF GREEN OUTLINED TILES 00[21:27] <@FirePhoenix> THESE ARE USED FOR THE SLOPES 00[21:27] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK AND DRAG WHICHEVER TILE YOU WANT OVER ONTO THE PB TILE 00[21:29] <@FirePhoenix> USE THE BTS SLOPES TO MAKE YOUR SLOPE TILE ACT LIKE ONE [21:29] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh hey, I already did that :D 00[21:29] <@FirePhoenix> USE THE HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL FLIPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE TO FLIP THE BTS TILES IF NEED BE 00[21:30] <@FirePhoenix> NOW [21:30] <+Silver_Skree> you need to put a swuarte green tile after each slope going up. [21:30] <+Silver_Skree> square* 00[21:30] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[21:30] <@FirePhoenix> YOU MUST HAVE A SQUARE TILE AFTER EACH SLOPE [21:30] <+Silver_Skree> because otherwise samus will collide witht he little bit of solid blockt hat slope didn't cover [21:31] <+BusterBeetle> After each slope, do you mean at the top? 00[21:31] <@FirePhoenix> you need a |_| 00[21:31] <@FirePhoenix> square 00[21:31] <@FirePhoenix> next to the triangle 00[21:32] <@FirePhoenix> I know I don't have the top on it 00[21:32] <@FirePhoenix> it needs to be like 00[21:32] <@FirePhoenix> /|| | 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> AND YOU NEED TO DO THAT FOR LARGE SLOPES 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> LIKE: 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> /|| | 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> /|| | 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> NUTS 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> THAT DIDN'T WORK 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> UM 06[21:33] * +Hiroshi wishes we had a better visual aide system 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> /|| | 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> /|| | [21:33] <+Yuki_Nagato> click on BTS and then drag one of the outlines into the level window 00[21:33] <@FirePhoenix> SOMEWHAT LIKE THAT [21:33] <+BusterBeetle> This seems to be working out fine IMO [21:33] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Oh! XD [21:34] <+Silver_Skree> 00[21:34] <@FirePhoenix> YOU MUST HAVE THAT SQUARE TILE NEXT TO THE TRIANGLE ALWAYS [21:34] <+Silver_Skree> that's what a goos slope should look like 00[21:34] <@FirePhoenix> OTHERWISE YOU WON'T RUN UP THE SLOPE CORRECTLY [21:35] <+Silver_Skree> but yeah. this is what your slope should look like: [21:35] <+Silver_Skree> [21:35] <@Jathys> damn you, SS, beat me by about 10 seconds [21:36] <+Silver_Skree> actually, look up. 00[21:36] <@FirePhoenix> GUYS [21:36] <@Jathys> *for those who still aren't sure about what good/bad slopes look like: <--> 00[21:36] <@FirePhoenix> HILLS SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS 00[21:36] <@FirePhoenix> [21:36] <@Jathys> (notice the "good" and "bad" in each link) [21:36] <+BusterBeetle> Ooooh, that makes sense 00[21:37] <@FirePhoenix> THANKS JATHYS 06[21:37] * @Jathys officially apologizes for the awkwardness of dragging BTS values and assure you that it will be better in the next release) [21:38] <+Hiroshi> Okay, I have a problem 00[21:38] <@FirePhoenix> WHAT IS IT? [21:38] <+Hiroshi> My slope/hill/cliff works, but Samus tends to clip through it from under neath 00[21:38] <@FirePhoenix> HMM 00[21:39] <@FirePhoenix> DOES SHE CLIP THROUGH IT ON THE SLOPE TILES? 00[21:39] <@FirePhoenix> OR THE SQUARE ONES [21:39] <+Hiroshi> She clips through the sloe usually, but will also jump THROUGHT the squar ones. [21:39] <+Hiroshi> square 00[21:39] <@FirePhoenix> HIROSHI 00[21:39] <@FirePhoenix> IS YOUR HILL FLOATING? 00[21:40] <@FirePhoenix> LIKE, [21:40] <+Hiroshi> Originally yes, is that the cause? 04[21:40] <+Yuki_Nagato> FP: will putting two of those slope BTS tiles mirrored against each other (e.g. /||\) work? it seems to 00[21:40] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[21:40] <@FirePhoenix> HIROSHI: ARE YOU JUMPING THROUGH THE TILES FROM THE BOTTOM? [21:40] <+Hiroshi> Yes [21:41] <+BusterBeetle> What are those red circles? [21:41] <+Silver_Skree> Hiroshi, if samus hits a square slope from any other direction than from above, she'll zip to the to pf it. 00[21:42] <@FirePhoenix> THE RED CIRCLES ARE SLOPES THAT WEREN'T FIGURED OUT IN THIS RELEASE [21:42] <@Jathys> red circles = unknowns (in the current version) [21:42] <+Hiroshi> I see 00[21:42] <@FirePhoenix> THE 1:3 SLOPES ARE IN THERE 04[21:42] <@Jathys> damn you FP... too fast 00[21:42] <@FirePhoenix> BUT NOT DISPLAYED [21:42] <+Hiroshi> So I need a none-slopping tile underneath? [21:42] <+Silver_Skree> yesh, Hiro. [21:42] <+Silver_Skree> yes* [21:42] <+Hiroshi> All right, I'll try that Lesson 4a: Post-Load Modifications (PLMs) | Placing Missile Tanks 00[21:44] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S SEE 00[21:44] <@FirePhoenix> NEXT TOPIC 00[21:44] <@FirePhoenix> NOW THAT WE'VE COVERED SLOPES 00[21:44] <@FirePhoenix> AND TILES 00[21:45] <@FirePhoenix> HMM 00[21:45] <@FirePhoenix> OH! 00[21:45] <@FirePhoenix> EVERYONE DO THIS NOW! [21:45] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok 00[21:45] <@FirePhoenix> MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR ROM [21:45] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok [21:45] <+Yuki_Nagato> done 00[21:45] <@FirePhoenix> NEXT 00[21:46] <@FirePhoenix> WE'RE GOING TO DELVE INTO THE EXCITING WORLD OF PLMS 00[21:46] <@FirePhoenix> A PLM IS A POST-LOAD MODIFICATION 06[21:46] * @Jathys officially apologizes for the +/- PLM feature of SMILE [21:46] <+Yuki_Nagato> ...ok, but what are they used for? 00[21:46] <@FirePhoenix> THESE ARE THINGS LIKE ITEMS, GATES, OTHER STUFF [21:46] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh 00[21:47] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[21:47] <@FirePhoenix> WE'RE GOING TO PLACE AN ITEM vv VERY IMPORTANT vv 00[21:47] <@FirePhoenix> HOWEVER 00[21:47] <@FirePhoenix> DO NOT USE THE PLM (+/-) DIALOG ^^ VERY IMPORTANT ^^ [21:48] <+Yuki_Nagato> ...ok 00[21:49] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[21:49] <@FirePhoenix> EVERYONE SCROLL BACK TO THE UPPER LEFT CORNER OF THE ROOM 00[21:49] <@FirePhoenix> DOES EVERYONE SEE THE THREE ARROWS AND THE RED THING WITH AN S IN IT? [21:50] <+Amos> Yeah, I see it 00[21:50] <@FirePhoenix> AND SO THEY KNOW I'M TEACHING 00[21:50] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[21:50] <@FirePhoenix> THOSE ARROWS AND S THING ARE SCROLL PLMS 00[21:51] <@FirePhoenix> THOSE SCROLL PLMS ARE GOING TO BE WHAT WE USE FOR ITEMS [21:51] <@Jathys> Do not EVER use the ARROW PLM's... Nintendo was smoking weed when they came up with those [21:51] <+BLM> Arrow PLM's? 00[21:52] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK AND DRAG THE ARROW PLMS TO THE CENTER OF THE ROOM 00[21:52] <@FirePhoenix> THE S THING TOO [21:52] <+mm02> Haven't covered the dragging thing yet I believe. 00[21:52] <@FirePhoenix> NOW [21:53] <@Jathys> BLM: arrow plm's copy the tile/plm from the direction they point from (essentially becoming that kind of tile/plm)... the same thing can be done with BTS values, without eating up valuable PLM space 00[21:53] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK ON THEM AND DRAG THEM SOMEWHERE 00[21:53] <@FirePhoenix> SIMPLE AS THAT 00[21:53] <@FirePhoenix> DRAG THEM TO AN OPEN SPACE [21:53] <+Amos> All of them right? 00[21:53] <@FirePhoenix> YES [21:53] <+mm02> Got it [21:53] <+Amos> Okay [21:54] <+Hiroshi> Should we drag the S too? 00[21:54] <@FirePhoenix> YES [21:55] <+LadyIcy> left click it [21:55] <+Amos> >_> Click and hold and move the mouse 00[21:58] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[21:58] <@FirePhoenix> IF YOU HAVE THE PLMS IN THE OPEN 00[21:58] <@FirePhoenix> RIGHT CLICK ON ONE OF THEM 00[21:59] <@FirePhoenix> AND CLICK TYPE 00[22:00] <@FirePhoenix> YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE A DIALOG OPEN 00[22:00] <@FirePhoenix> THIS IS THE PLM EDITOR 00[22:01] <@FirePhoenix> THE PLM EDITOR IS WHAT WE'LL USE TO CHANGE THE ITEMS 00[22:01] <@FirePhoenix> SCROLL DOWN THE LIST UNTIL YOU FIND THE TIEM THAT YOU WANT TO USE 00[22:01] <@FirePhoenix> *ITEM 00[22:01] <@FirePhoenix> THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF EACH ITEM 00[22:02] <@FirePhoenix> OPEN, ORB, AND SHOT BLOCK [22:02] <@Jathys> (as you scroll through the list of items, you'll see a brief description of proper set up for each item in the yellowish box) 00[22:02] <@FirePhoenix> THAT AND THE LITTLE PICTURE 00[22:02] <@FirePhoenix> SHOWING WHAT IT IS 00[22:04] <@FirePhoenix> RIGHT CLICK ONE OF THE ARROWS [22:04] <+Hiroshi> So should we just select a Missile Item for now? That seems like something we'd want to know how to place 00[22:04] <@FirePhoenix> HIROSHI: THAT'S FINE 00[22:05] <@FirePhoenix> ANYWAYS 00[22:05] <@FirePhoenix> CHOOSE ITEM "EEDB" 00[22:05] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S A MISSILE TANK THAT SITS IN THE OPEN 00[22:06] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[22:06] <@FirePhoenix> SET THE HIGH AND LOW BOTH TO 00 00[22:07] <@FirePhoenix> THE HIGH AND LOW GIVE THE ITEM A UNIQUE VALUE 00[22:07] <@FirePhoenix> EVERY ITEM MUST HAVE A DIFFERENT LOW [22:07] <@Jathys> (HIGH should always be 00... if you set it as 80, the item will keep returning to be picked up forever and ever... that is bad) [22:07] <+Amos> lol 00[22:07] <@FirePhoenix> THE HIGH ALWAYS REMAINS AT 00 SO IT WILL NOT RETURN WHEN YOU LEAVE THE ROOM [22:07] <@Jathys> LOW is an index [22:08] <+Hiroshi> So the limit to the number of items you can place by default is 255? [22:08] <@Jathys> if you have two items in seperate rooms with the same LOW/index... pick up one of them, the other will go away [22:08] <@Jathys> Hiroshi: FF 00[22:09] <@FirePhoenix> 00-FF 00[22:09] <@FirePhoenix> YOU CAN HAVE 256 UNIQUE ITEMS 00[22:09] <@FirePhoenix> NOW [22:09] <+Hiroshi> Okay, so 256. Thank you. That is an odd number, but it makes sense because of 00. 00[22:10] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[22:10] <@FirePhoenix> ITEMS 00[22:10] <@FirePhoenix> MISSILE TANK WITH HIGH OF 00 AND LOW OF 00 00[22:10] <@FirePhoenix> NOW CLICK OK 00[22:10] <@FirePhoenix> THE ARROW WILL TURN INTO A MISSILE TANK 00[22:10] <@FirePhoenix> AND NOW YOU CAN DRAG IT AND PLACE IT WHEREVER YOU WANT [22:11] <@Jathys> (Kejardon Calls It: $0000-01FF for items (512 total)) 00[22:11] <@FirePhoenix> (WELL THAT'S BECAUSE YOU CAN SET THE HIGH TO 01 AND HAVE A NEW SET OF INDECES) 00[22:11] <@FirePhoenix> USE THE LIST ON THE SIDE 00[22:11] <@FirePhoenix> SELECT ITEM EEDB [22:11] <+Hiroshi> Oh really? Wow, that's good to know 00[22:11] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S A MISSILE TANK IN THE OPEN [22:14] <+Hiroshi> QUESTION: Is it normal for something that an item is on (a piece of grass sticking up for example) to disappear when you get the item? 00[22:14] <@FirePhoenix> YES [22:15] <+Hiroshi> Thank you 06[22:15] * @Jathys reminds himself to have high/low boxes become a pulldown list of 0-511 for items/doors... and a 4 digit box for everything else 00[22:15] <@FirePhoenix> BECAUSE THE PLM SITS ON LAYER 1 00[22:15] <@FirePhoenix> THEREFORE, 00[22:15] <@FirePhoenix> IT OVERWRITES WHATEVER LAYER 1 DATA IT'S ON [22:15] <+Hiroshi> Good to know, so I can keep that in mind when placing tiles. Thank you 00[22:15] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S WHY ITEMS ARE OFTEN ON PEDESTALS [22:15] <+LadyIcy> good to know 00[22:16] <@FirePhoenix> THE PEDESTALS ARE LOCATED IN THE TOP GROUP OF TILES 00[22:16] <@FirePhoenix> IN THE TILE CLIPBOARD 00[22:16] <@FirePhoenix> AT THE BOTTOM [22:16] <+Hiroshi> And we should try to avoid using Arrow PLMs if at all possible? Do they screw with something in a bad way? 00[22:17] <@FirePhoenix> THEY WILL MESS UP STUFF 00[22:17] <@FirePhoenix> BECAUSE THEY'RE MEANT TO ACTIVATE SCROLLS [22:17] <+Hiroshi> And the scrolling makes the game buggy, correct? 00[22:17] <@FirePhoenix> NOT EXACTLY, BUT THEY'RE ONLY USED IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS TO TELL THE GAME TO SET A NON-SCROLLING AREA TO SCROLL 00[22:20] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[22:20] <@FirePhoenix> CHECKPOINT #2 00[22:20] <@FirePhoenix> DOES EVERYONE HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THIS?: [22:20] <+Haaaaaach> speaking of which i might be shoving what i've done so far in people's faces soon 00[22:20] <@FirePhoenix> <- This link still works. [22:21] <@MatthewPZC> I do [22:21] <+Hiroshi> I forgot the pedistool, but yes 00[22:21] <@FirePhoenix> GOOD 00[22:21] <@FirePhoenix> EVERYONE ELSE? [22:21] <+LadyIcy> Yep [22:21] <+LadyIcy> I got mine sitting on a chozo [22:21] <@Jathys> I got this: 00[22:21] <@FirePhoenix> HEH [22:21] <+mm02> Gotta get mine done. [22:21] <@MatthewPZC> XD 00[22:21] <@FirePhoenix> DAMMIT JATHYS, YOU'RE TRYING TOO HARD [22:21] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I have it.... 00[22:21] <@FirePhoenix> WE'LL GET THAT SOON ENOUGH 00[22:22] <@FirePhoenix> ;) [22:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Boy.... I'm bad at this.... Sorry! 00[22:22] <@FirePhoenix> IT'S OKAY 00[22:22] <@FirePhoenix> SM HACKING IS TOUGH [22:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Nah.... I'm just sleepy.... Lesson 4b: Post-Load Modifications (PLMs) | Doorcaps 00[22:22] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S SEE 00[22:22] <@FirePhoenix> WHAT NEXT 00[22:22] <@FirePhoenix> HMM 00[22:23] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S MAKE A DOORCAP [22:23] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Another PLM, right? 00[22:23] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[22:23] <@FirePhoenix> GO BACK TO YOUR LEFTOVER ARROWS 00[22:23] <@FirePhoenix> RIGHT CLICK ON ANOTHER ONE 00[22:24] <@FirePhoenix> THE DOORS ARE ALSO IN THE PLM EDITOR 00[22:24] <@FirePhoenix> WE'RE GOING TO PUT A RED/PINK DOORCAP OVER THE LOWER LEFT DOOR 00[22:25] <@FirePhoenix> IN THE PLM EDITOR [22:25] <+Anti-matter_Drone> They start on C884.... 00[22:25] <@FirePhoenix> ACTUALLY, THEY START ON C842 00[22:25] <@FirePhoenix> STARTING FROM THE GRAY DOORS 00[22:26] <@FirePhoenix> AND GOIGN ON 00[22:26] <@FirePhoenix> FIND A RED DOOR [22:26] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I was think pink doors! XD [22:26] <+Anti-matter_Drone> That's what I was on.... 00[22:26] <@FirePhoenix> THAT WILL FIT OVER THE BLUE DOOR IN THE LOWER LEFT [22:26] <+LadyIcy> done 00[22:27] <@FirePhoenix> SET THE HIGH AND LOW FOR THIS DOORCAP BOTH TO 00 [22:27] <@MatthewPZC> Done 00[22:27] <@FirePhoenix> JUST LIKE ITEMS, DOORCAPS ALL NEED UNIQUE INDEXES 00[22:27] <@FirePhoenix> A HIGH OF 80 WILL MAKE THEM RETURN, JUST LIKE WITH ITEMS 00[22:27] <@FirePhoenix> NOW [22:27] <@MatthewPZC> Oh yes, question here! If we change the Hits to Open thing, will it affect only this one door, or all doors of this type? [22:28] <@MatthewPZC> (Note that I won't touch it.)_ 00[22:28] <@FirePhoenix> LEAVE THAT ALONE [22:28] <+Hiroshi> Should we not make the door's low be 01? Because the missile is 00? 00[22:28] <@FirePhoenix> BUT IT WILL CHANGE ALL THE DOORS 00[22:28] <@FirePhoenix> NO [22:28] <+Hiroshi> Okay [22:28] <@MatthewPZC> Okay, thank you. I was merely curious. 00[22:28] <@FirePhoenix> DOORS AND ITEMS HAVE SEPERATE LOWS [22:28] <+Hiroshi> Thank you, that is important to know [22:28] <+LadyIcy> thats good to know 00[22:28] <@FirePhoenix> GOOD QUESTION 00[22:28] <@FirePhoenix> ;) [22:28] <+Silver_Skree> do all PLMs of different typed have different lows? [22:28] <+Silver_Skree> types* 00[22:29] <@FirePhoenix> THE VALUES FOR HIGH AND LOW DEPEND ON THE TYPE OF PLM SELECTED [22:29] <+Silver_Skree> er, seperate* lows 00[22:29] <@FirePhoenix> SOME REQUIRE UNIQUE INDEXES 00[22:29] <@FirePhoenix> OTHER REQUIRE THE SAME ONES ALL THE TIME 00[22:29] <@FirePhoenix> LIKE THE GATES [22:29] <@Jathys> Doors and Items use the LOW as an index.... most other plm's don't... 00[22:29] <@FirePhoenix> I MAY GET INTO GATES LATER, BUT PROBABLY NOT TONIGHT 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> DRAG YOUR NEW DOORCAP OVERTOP OF THE LOWER LEFT DOOR [22:30] <+Amos> done :) [22:30] <+LadyIcy> yay pink door 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> IT FITS PERFECTLY, RIGHT? [22:30] <+Amos> Yep ^_^ [22:30] <+LadyIcy> yes 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> GOOD 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[22:30] <@FirePhoenix> TEST YOUR FILE [22:30] <+LadyIcy> k [22:31] <+Amos> Did that too ^_^ 00[22:31] <@FirePhoenix> GRAB THE MISSILES AND OPEN THE DOOR 00[22:31] <@FirePhoenix> DID IT WORK CORRECTLY? [22:31] <+Amos> Yep! [22:31] <+Amos> For me it did 00[22:31] <@FirePhoenix> VERY GOOD [22:32] <@MatthewPZC> Yep, mine worked right, too [22:32] <+mm02> It's a success. [22:32] <@Jathys> (tip #002: If you x-ray in a room where you've made PLM changes and the room crashes as a result, you most likely have an item/door PLM with the HIGH byte too high so it's acting like a pointer) [22:33] <+Silver_Skree> oh, thanks Jathys. [22:33] <+Silver_Skree> That's been bothering me [22:33] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It works! [22:33] <@Jathys> usually, people think it's a problem with the landing zone and x-ray, because that's the first room they edit [22:33] <+LadyIcy> Works 00[22:34] <@FirePhoenix> GOOD! Lession 5: The FX1 Dialog and it's effects 00[22:34] <@FirePhoenix> HMM, I THINK WE'RE DONE PLAYING WITH PLMS FOR NOW 00[22:34] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S PLAY WITH SOMETHING ELSE 00[22:34] <@FirePhoenix> FX1 00[22:34] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY EVERYONE! 00[22:34] <@FirePhoenix> YOU KNOW HOW IT'S RAINING IN THE LANDING SITE? [22:35] <@MatthewPZC> Yes [22:35] <+Amos> Ooooh! We can change that!? 00[22:35] <@FirePhoenix> RAIN IS AN FX1 EFFECT [22:35] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok 00[22:35] <@FirePhoenix> FX1 CONSISTS OF LAYER EFFECTS IN MOST CASES 00[22:35] <@FirePhoenix> IT'S ALSO USED TO CONTROL THINGS LIKE HEATED ROOMS, 00[22:35] <@FirePhoenix> WAVEY BACKGROUNDS 00[22:35] <@FirePhoenix> GLOWING 00[22:35] <@FirePhoenix> ETC [22:36] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I have fog now! :D Yes I'm skipping ahead.... 00[22:36] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[22:36] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK EDIT 00[22:36] <@FirePhoenix> THEN FX1 00[22:36] <@FirePhoenix> A BOX WILL OPEN UP 00[22:36] <@FirePhoenix> THE DROP DOWN MENU HAS THE LAYER 3 EFFECTS IN IT 00[22:37] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S PUT SOME WATER IN THE LANDING SITE SHALL WE? [22:37] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Why does it skip ever other value and skip 10-1F? [22:38] <@Jathys> Anti: because the values you are choosing are an index into a pointer table.... each pointer is 2 bytes... the value you give it will tell the coding how deep into the table to go 00[22:38] <@FirePhoenix> CHOOSE WATER FROM THE DROP DOWN BOX 00[22:38] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[22:38] <@FirePhoenix> DON'T CLICK OK YET 00[22:38] <@FirePhoenix> BECAUSE WE NEED TO CHANGE A FEW VALUES 00[22:39] <@FirePhoenix> IF YOU CLICK SAVE RIGHT NOW, THE WATER WON'T APPEAR 00[22:39] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S BECAUSE THE SURFACE OF THE WATER IS SET TO APPEAR AT A LEVEL OF FFFF, IN OTHER WORDS, AS FAR DOWN AS POSSIBLE 00[22:39] <@FirePhoenix> SO 00[22:40] <@FirePhoenix> YOU MUST SPECIFY WHERE YOU WANT THE WATER TO START [22:40] <@Jathys> (tip #003: Y = 0 is at the top of the screen... as Y increases, you go DOWN) 00[22:40] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[22:40] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S THE VERY TOP OF THE ROOM [22:40] <@Jathys> 0001 = 1 pixel down [22:40] <@Jathys> 0010 = 1 tile down [22:40] <@Jathys> 0100 = 1 screen down [22:41] <+mm02> Time to experiment then.... 04[22:42] <@MatthewPZC> So, FP, about how far down should we set it to start with? 00[22:42] <@FirePhoenix> SET THE SURFACE START TO 04B8 00[22:42] <@FirePhoenix> WE'RE COVERING A DIFFERENT TOPIC 00[22:43] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY [22:43] <@MatthewPZC> What's Surface New for? 00[22:43] <@FirePhoenix> THE WATER SHOULD BE SET AT A LEVEL OF A FEW TILES BELOW THE SHIP 00[22:43] <@FirePhoenix> GO AHEAD AND TEST IT 00[22:43] <@FirePhoenix> SEE IF IT'S THERE 00[22:44] <@FirePhoenix> DID YOU SET THE SURFACE START TO 04B8? [22:44] <@MatthewPZC> Woo, it's there 00[22:44] <@FirePhoenix> DON'T CHANGE THE SURFACE NEW [22:44] <+Yuki_Nagato> it's there, all right :D [22:44] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It's there! [22:45] <@MatthewPZC> Don't you also have to set the Layer 3 animation GFX, or is that unneeded? 00[22:45] <@FirePhoenix> UNNEEDED [22:45] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I think that comes with the channing of the Layer3 value.... [22:47] <@Jathys> Surface Start = where it starts (duh) [22:47] <@Jathys> Surface New = where you want it to move to [22:48] <@Jathys> Surface Delay.... 00 != zero..... 00 is actually around 18 minutes... 01 is the lowest delay [22:49] <@Jathys> Surface Speed.... FFFF is actually -1... FFFE is -2 [22:49] <+LadyIcy> I dunno what I'm doing wrong 00[22:49] <@FirePhoenix> TRY LAVA INSTEAD? [22:50] <@Jathys> if you want the surface to go up or down, you need to set speed accordingly.... if surface new is less than surface start, you need to have a negative speed, or it'll never do anything 00[22:52] <@FirePhoenix> NOW, 00[22:52] <@FirePhoenix> YOU MUST HAVE NOTICED THAT THE WATER WAS GRAY 00[22:52] <@FirePhoenix> AND STAYED STILL 00[22:52] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S MAKE IT LOOK/ACT MORE LIKE REAL WATER [22:53] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It was gray? [22:53] <+Amos> Looked fine to me 00[22:53] <@FirePhoenix> IT WAS A GRAYISH COLOR 00[22:53] <@FirePhoenix> BUT LET'S MAKE IT LOOK LIKE WATER [22:54] <+Yuki_Nagato> :O 00[22:55] <@FirePhoenix> Hang on guys I'm trying to find the right settings for the normal colored water [22:55] <@MatthewPZC> :o [22:56] <+Silver_Skree> lol 06[22:56] * +Amos waits patently 04[22:56] <@Jathys> FP: 42 or 48, I think [22:57] <+Hiroshi> yes 42 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> There we go! [22:57] <+Anti-matter_Drone> 48 works too.... 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> 48 is much better 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> okay [22:57] <+Hiroshi> All right I'll try it 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> palette blend 48 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> SET THE PALETTE BLEND TO 48 00[22:57] <@FirePhoenix> ONCE YOU'VE DONE THAT [22:58] <+Hiroshi> So it does! 00[22:58] <@FirePhoenix> MOVE THE SLIDER ON THE BOTTOM OVER TO THE THIRD PAGE 00[22:58] <@FirePhoenix> THE ONE MARKED C [22:58] <@Jathys> (tip #004: the "bg warp line shift" causes issues with water rooms that aren't Norfair... can't think of the details, but don't do it.... that option is only for Norfair and Tourian) 00[22:58] <@FirePhoenix> CHECK THE BOX THAT SAYS Tide-Small 00[22:59] <@FirePhoenix> THEN 00[22:59] <@FirePhoenix> MOVE THE SLIDER TO THE FOURTH PAGE 00[22:59] <@FirePhoenix> THE ONE MARKED A/B 00[22:59] <@FirePhoenix> THERE ARE TWO DROPDOWN BOXED HERE 00[22:59] <@FirePhoenix> LEAVE THE FIRST ONE ALONE 00[23:00] <@FirePhoenix> SCROLL THROUGH THE SECOND ONE UNTIL YOU FIND THE ONE THAT SAYS 18 - USED FOR NORMAL WATER [23:00] <+LadyIcy> YAY WATER [23:00] <+LadyIcy> woooo [23:01] <+Amos> Omg moving water 00[23:01] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S WHAT CHECKING THE TIDE BOX DID [23:01] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh, now that's water :D [23:01] <+Amos> I know :) 00[23:04] <@FirePhoenix> NOW THAT YOU HAVE YOUR WATER 00[23:04] <@FirePhoenix> YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY 00[23:04] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S BASICALLY FX1 00[23:04] <@FirePhoenix> THERE ARE MORE COMPLICATED EFFECTS 00[23:04] <@FirePhoenix> BUT THERE'S NO NEED FOR THEM HERE Lesson 6: Special BTS Tiles 00[23:05] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY I KNOW WHAT THE NEXT TOPIC WILL BE 00[23:05] <@FirePhoenix> SPECIAL BTS TILES [23:05] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Question, would combining small and large tides create an abnormal tide or a larger than large tide? 00[23:05] <@FirePhoenix> I DON'T KNOW 00[23:05] <@FirePhoenix> TRY IT [23:05] <+Amos> lol [23:05] <+LadyIcy> hahah [23:05] <+Anti-matter_Drone> O.K..... 00[23:05] <@FirePhoenix> LOL [23:05] <+Yuki_Nagato> XD [23:05] <@Jathys> I *think* the large simply overrides the small 00[23:06] <@FirePhoenix> ACTUALLY, THE SMALL OVERRODE THE LARGE 00[23:06] <@FirePhoenix> GO FIGURE [23:06] <+Amos> :O 00[23:07] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY SPECIAL BTS TILES 00[23:08] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK ON THE BTS TAB ABOVE THE CLIPBOARD 00[23:08] <@FirePhoenix> IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY 00[23:08] <@FirePhoenix> CLICK ON THE BTS TAB 00[23:09] <@FirePhoenix> UNDER THE SLOPES 00[23:09] <@FirePhoenix> THERE SHOULD BE A FEW SPECIAL LOOKING TILES 00[23:09] <@FirePhoenix> YOU'LL SEE SUPER MISSILES, POWER BOMBS, SPEED BOOSTER, AND GRAPPLE TILES 00[23:09] <@FirePhoenix> PLUS THE TREADMILLS [23:10] <@Jathys> the arrows are "treadmills" 00[23:10] <@FirePhoenix> YES [23:10] <@Jathys> to the right of those, there are two more tiles 00[23:10] <@FirePhoenix> THOSE ARE SPECIAL TILES [23:10] <@Jathys> the one that looks like a wheel is part of the digger enemy [23:10] <@Jathys> they are blocks that will crumble when an enemy touches them [23:11] <@Jathys> the tile next to that (half of a ripper) is a very special block (unused in the original game) [23:11] <@Jathys> that tile acts like air for samus, but blocks enemies like a wall [23:11] <@Jathys> very useful for hiding a morph tunnel in a room with crawling small guys 00[23:12] <@FirePhoenix> thanks for explaining those jathys *There was a lot of chatter during this so I explained it again* 00[23:13] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[23:13] <@FirePhoenix> I'LL EXPLAIN ONCE MORE 00[23:13] <@FirePhoenix> THE FIRST FOUR BLOCKS ARE THE WEAPONRY BLOCKS 00[23:14] <@FirePhoenix> THEY BREAK WHEN HIT WITH THE ITEM ON THEM [23:14] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok 00[23:14] <@FirePhoenix> SUPERS, PBS, SPEED BOOSTER AND GRAPPLE BEAM 00[23:14] <@FirePhoenix> THE NEXT THREE ARE TREADMILLS 00[23:14] <@FirePhoenix> THE SIDEWAYS TREADMILLS WEREN'T REALLY USED IN SM <- Way to be wrong FP. They are actually used, mentioned further below. [23:15] <@Jathys> (peculiar point #407: did you know that dachora cannot break speed blocks horizontally?) 00[23:15] <@FirePhoenix> THE DOWN TREADMILLS WERE USED IN MARIDIA FOR THE SANDFALLS 00[23:15] <@FirePhoenix> THE LAST TWO BLOCKS ARE VERY UNIQUE 00[23:16] <@FirePhoenix> THE ONE THAT HAS THE WHEEL ON IT BREAKS WHENEVER IT IS TOUCHED BY ANY ENEMY [23:16] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Very unique? >_> Very one of a kind indeed.... :P [23:16] <@Jathys> sideways ones were used in the wrecked ship... there was a treadmill 00[23:16] <@FirePhoenix> OH YOU'RE RIGHT THEY WERE 00[23:16] <@FirePhoenix> IN A COUPLE OF ROOMS [23:16] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Oh right! 00[23:17] <@FirePhoenix> THE ONE WITH HALF A RIPPER ON IT IS UNIQUE IN THE FACT THAT ENEMIES AND BEAMS CANNOT PASS THROUGH THEM 00[23:17] <@FirePhoenix> ONLY SAMUS CAN 04[23:17] <@Jathys> FP: do the down treadmills only work in maridia? thought there was something to that effect [23:17] <+Silver_Skree> what about Wave? 00[23:17] <@FirePhoenix> I DON'T THINK SO... 00[23:17] <@FirePhoenix> HANG ON [23:17] <+Hiroshi> I think the Wave passes through anything 00[23:18] <@FirePhoenix> WAVE CAN PASS THROUGH THEM [23:18] <@Jathys> IMPORTANT NOTE: [23:18] <@Jathys> the tile that blocks enemies... and blocks your beams.... does NOT block enemy projectiles, which normally go through walls anyway 00[23:19] <@FirePhoenix> AND JUST LIKE THAT, THE WAVE BEAM PASSES THROUGH THEM [23:19] <+Hiroshi> Okay, that is important. Good to mention it, Jathys 00[23:19] <@FirePhoenix> BECAUSE IT'S SET TO PASS THROUGH EVERYTHING ANYWAYS 00[23:19] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[23:19] <@FirePhoenix> SO, HOW DO YOU USE THESE TILES? 00[23:19] <@FirePhoenix> SIMPLE [23:19] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Drag them too? 00[23:19] <@FirePhoenix> FIRST, CLICK THE BOX ON THE RIGHT 00[23:20] <@FirePhoenix> THIS DETERMINES IF YOU WANT THEM TO RESPAWN AFTER BEING DESTROYED OR NOT [23:20] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Oh! That one! [23:20] <@Jathys> (note: this does NOT change the appearance of the tile... only how it acts) 00[23:20] <@FirePhoenix> NOTE: ONLY UNCHECK THIS BOX FOR THE FIRST FOUR TILES 00[23:20] <@FirePhoenix> JATHYS, YES IT DOES 00[23:20] <@FirePhoenix> IT MAKES THE OUTLINE BLUE FOR NON-RESPAWNING 00[23:20] <@FirePhoenix> AND WHITE FOR RESPAWNING [23:21] <@Jathys> (note: respawning doesn't work on enemy crumble blocks) 04[23:21] <@Jathys> FP: doesn't make a difference in how the *tile* looks 00[23:21] <@FirePhoenix> OH, YOU MEANT IN GAME [23:21] <+Anti-matter_Drone> XD 00[23:21] <@FirePhoenix> YEAH, NO CHANGE IN GAME... 00[23:21] <@FirePhoenix> ONLY IN SMILE, TO HELP YOU KNOW WHICH IT IS [23:21] <@Jathys> and in smile... if someone's placing super missile blocks, they may expect it to LOOK like a super missile block when they hit F3... [23:22] <@Jathys> so you place these over tiles that LOOK how you want them to look in the game 00[23:22] <@FirePhoenix> YES [23:22] <+Hiroshi> OH that reminds me. On that note. Any changes you make that don't seem to appear in SMILE in the map editor, are probably going to need to be tested using the emulator. So if you do something, and it doesn't do anything, try that. 00[23:22] <@FirePhoenix> DON'T SELECT THE BLOCKS OUT OF THE BOTTOM AREA AND THINK THAT THEY WILL WORK [23:22] <+Yuki_Nagato> ok [23:23] <+Hiroshi> Sorry for interupting, continue 00[23:23] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S TRY USING THESE TILES 00[23:23] <@FirePhoenix> TAKE THE CRATERIA CORNER TILE 00[23:23] <@FirePhoenix> MAKE A BLOCK 2X2 BLOCK OUT OF IT [23:24] <+Yuki_Nagato> done 00[23:24] <@FirePhoenix> amd: ??? 00[23:25] <@FirePhoenix> LIKE 00[23:25] <@FirePhoenix> DOES EVERYONE NOW HAVE A 2X2 BLOCK? [23:26] <+Yuki_Nagato> I'm not sure, but I know I have one :D [23:26] <+Hiroshi> It is a 2x2 block consisting of 4 pointed corners? [23:26] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yes! 00[23:26] <@FirePhoenix> POINTED? 00[23:26] <@FirePhoenix> THEY SHOULD JUST LOOK SQUARE [23:26] <+mm02> A corner tile made into a 2x2...Yep I think so 00[23:26] <@FirePhoenix> A 2X2 SQUARE [23:26] <+Hiroshi> Well you said a Crateria Corner Block... so... [23:26] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Wait.... I have the slightly blunt ones.... 00[23:26] <@FirePhoenix> NOT THE SLOPES 00[23:26] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S GOOD 00[23:26] <@FirePhoenix> THAT'S WHAT i MEANT [23:27] <@MatthewPZC> I have the 2x2 block ready 00[23:27] <@FirePhoenix> SLIGHTLY ROUNDED CORNER? [23:27] <+mm02> redone [23:27] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yes! 00[23:27] <@FirePhoenix> GOOD 00[23:28] <@FirePhoenix> WE ARE NOW GOING TO MAKE THEM BREAKABLE TO POWER BOMBS [23:28] <@Jathys> (tip #005: place your mouse over a tile and hit an arrow key to flip the tile in that direction) [23:28] <+Hiroshi> Okay 4 blocks. Now what? Oh 00[23:28] <@FirePhoenix> IN THE BTS MENU, 00[23:28] <@FirePhoenix> DRAG THE POWER BOMB TILE OVER THE 2X2 BLOCK'S TILES [23:28] <+Hiroshi> Thank you Jathys! That helps immensely 00[23:29] <@FirePhoenix> IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY RESPAWN OR NOT 00[23:29] <@FirePhoenix> YOU DECIDE 00[23:30] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[23:30] <@FirePhoenix> TO TEST IF THEY WORK 00[23:30] <@FirePhoenix> CHANGE THE MISSILE TANK INTO A POWER BOMB TANK [23:30] <+Yuki_Nagato> which one is the power bomb tank? [23:30] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I need the morph ball too.... 00[23:30] <@FirePhoenix> I WANT YOU GUYS TO DO THE PLM EDITOR BY YOURSELVES 00[23:30] <@FirePhoenix> OH RIGHT 00[23:31] <@FirePhoenix> GRAB THE LAST ARROW THAT'S ABOVE AND MAKE A MORPH BALL OUT OF IT 00[23:31] <@FirePhoenix> REMEMBER TO SET THE HIGH AND LOW BOTH TO 00 [23:32] <@MatthewPZC> Don't all items need unique Low settings, though? Or will they not clash due to being different items? I've honestly forgotten now. *Only do the following for testing purposes. In a true hack, don't do this.* [23:32] <@Jathys> *in the PLM Editor, do the following* [23:32] <@Jathys> 1) select morph ball [23:32] <@Jathys> 2) Change "Value" to FFFF [23:32] <@Jathys> 3) Click "Save Definition" [23:33] <@Jathys> then just place the morph ball as you normally would [23:33] <@Jathys> this will allow the morph ball to give you EVERY item [23:33] <@Jathys> (not beams) [23:34] <+Anti-matter_Drone> The morphball is red with a thin blue outline.... [23:34] <@MatthewPZC> Awesome, my blocks worked! Mini-Lesson #1: Explaining PLM indexes 04[23:36] <@MatthewPZC> Now uh, FP, I asked, will items mess up or something if items of different types use the same Low/High settings? As in, say every item in a room used 00 for both- will something go wrong for any of them this way? [23:37] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh sweet the power bomb block worked woo :D 00[23:37] <@FirePhoenix> MATT: THEY WILL DISAPPEAR 00[23:37] <@FirePhoenix> EVERY ITEM HAS A UNIQUE INDEX FOR A REASON [23:37] <@MatthewPZC> Okay, just checking. Thank you very much. 00[23:37] <@FirePhoenix> THE GAME ASSIGNS EACH ITEM A VALUE 00[23:37] <@FirePhoenix> LIKE, OUR ITEMS HAVE A VALUE OF 00 AS THEIR LOW [23:38] <@MatthewPZC> (I asked 'cause you were a little ambiguous with saying to set the low and high to 00- even though we have multiple items now.) 00[23:38] <@FirePhoenix> THE GAME KEEPS TRACK OF THE ITEMS COLLECTED 00[23:38] <@FirePhoenix> IF YOU COLLECT AN ITEM WITH A LOW OF 00 00[23:38] <@FirePhoenix> THE GAME WILL ASSUME YOU'VE PICKED UP ALL ITEM 00 00[23:38] <@FirePhoenix> AND REMOVE ANY OTHER INSTANCES OF ITEMS WITH 00 FROM THE GAME 00[23:39] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[23:39] <@FirePhoenix> THE REASON THAT THEY DIDN'T DISAPPEAR RIGHT NOW EVEN THOUGH THEY BOTH HAVE 00 AS THEIR LOW 00[23:39] <@FirePhoenix> IS SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LEAVE AND RELOAD THE ROOM [23:39] <@Jathys> LOW would just be an index value you asign it... say your first item is 00... make the next one 01, 02, 03, etc... doesn't have to be specific, but just don't want a bunch of overlaps in doing an actual hack 04[23:39] <@MatthewPZC> FP: Ah! [23:39] <@MatthewPZC> Okay, I think I get it now 00[23:39] <@FirePhoenix> IF YOU LEFT THE ROOM AND RETURNED, THE OTHER WOULD DISAPPEAR [23:39] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh :O 00[23:39] <@FirePhoenix> THAT TRICK WAS USED IN A HACK, 00[23:40] <@FirePhoenix> BASICALLY, YOU CAME ACROSS POWER BOMBS AND SUPER MISSILES 00[23:40] <@FirePhoenix> YOU COULD ONLY GET ONE 00[23:40] <@FirePhoenix> BECAUSE THEY BOTH HAD THE SAME LOW [23:40] <+mm02> Took me a while to find that Morph ball (been a long while since I've played SM). I got it to work. 00[23:40] <@FirePhoenix> AND THEY WERE SPLIT BY A DOOR ABOVE AND BELOW 00[23:40] <@FirePhoenix> SO YOU HAD TO LEAVE THE ROOM TO TRY AND GET THE OTHER 00[23:40] <@FirePhoenix> CAUSING THE ONE YOU DIDN'T GET TO DISAPPEAR [23:41] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Sort of like a Space Pirate stealing it, eh? Anyway, anything else? *End of mini-lesson* 00[23:41] <@FirePhoenix> WELL, DOES EVERYONE'S 2X2 POWER BOMB BLOCK WORK? [23:41] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yes! [23:41] <+LadyIcy> yes [23:41] <+mm02> Mine did :) [23:42] <+Hiroshi> Can I ask something? 04[23:42] <@MatthewPZC> FP: Mine does. 00[23:42] <@FirePhoenix> GOOD JOB EVERYONE! [23:42] <+Hiroshi> Between all the chatter I may have missed it. Did you already say that respawning blocks are white rimmed, and non spawning are blue rimmed? 00[23:42] <@FirePhoenix> CORRECT [23:43] <+Hiroshi> Thank you 06[23:44] * @Jathys decides that non-spawning should have a box around them and respawning blocks should have 2 boxes around them... would be easier to remember the difference Lessons 7 & 8: Music Selection & Graphics Set Selection 00[23:46] <@FirePhoenix> ALL RIGHT 00[23:46] <@FirePhoenix> LAST TWO THINGS 00[23:46] <@FirePhoenix> MUSIC 00[23:46] <@FirePhoenix> HOW TO CHANGE THE MUSIC IN A ROOM [23:46] <+Yuki_Nagato> :O 00[23:46] <@FirePhoenix> BELOW EVERYTHING, 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT [23:47] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I know! The music is right there, right? [23:47] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yup! 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> ARE TWO DROPDOWN BOXES 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> THESE CONTROL THE MUSIC 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> THERE ARE SPECIFIC COMBINATIONS OF MUSIC THAT WORK 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S KEEP THIS SIMPLE FOR NOW 00[23:47] <@FirePhoenix> NORMALLY 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> YOU WOULD LOOK AT A ROOM THAT HAS THE MUSIC YOU WANT 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> AND SEE THOSE VALUES 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> AND COPY THEM 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> BUT FOR SIMPLICITY 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> I'LL TELL YOU WHAT MUSIC WE'RE CHANGING TO 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> LET'S TAKE A VOTE [23:48] <&SNN> lower norfair 00[23:48] <@FirePhoenix> EPIC CRATERIA MUSIC, OR EPIC LOWER NORFAIR MUSIC? [23:48] <+LadyIcy> lower norfair! [23:48] <@MatthewPZC> Lower Norfair [23:48] <@MatthewPZC> :D [23:48] <@Jathys> Lower Norfair ftw [23:49] <+Hiroshi> Epic Lower Norfair 06[23:49] * +Yuki_Nagato uses a random number generator [23:49] <@MatthewPZC> Oh yeas [23:49] <@MatthewPZC> *yes [23:49] <&SNN> hell, i knew that before he said it [23:49] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Crateria.... [23:49] <+Yuki_Nagato> ...nah I'll bandwagon and say lower norfair [23:49] <@MatthewPZC> Lower Norfair ftw indeed, Jathys. :> [23:49] <@Jathys> (surprised no one said Ceres) 00[23:49] <@FirePhoenix> LOL [23:49] <+Silver_Skree> Lover Norfair [23:49] <+LadyIcy> lawl 00[23:49] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY [23:49] <+Anti-matter_Drone> XD 00[23:49] <@FirePhoenix> FOR LOWER NORFAIR 00[23:49] <@FirePhoenix> SELECT THE RIGHT MENU 00[23:49] <@FirePhoenix> AND CHOOSE TRACK 18 00[23:49] <@FirePhoenix> 18 LOWER NORFAIR [23:50] <+Hiroshi> It will say 18 = Lower Norfai if you are on a normal screen 00[23:51] <@FirePhoenix> IT'S USED FOR CERTIAN TYPES OF MUSIC CHANGES 00[23:51] <@FirePhoenix> NOT EXACTLY SURE MYSELF 00[23:51] <@FirePhoenix> CERTAIN COMBINATIONS WORK, OTHERS DONT 00[23:51] <@FirePhoenix> I HAVE A LIST SOMEWHERE 00[23:51] <@FirePhoenix> ANYWAYS, TEST YOUR GAME AND YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE LOWER NORFAIR PLAYING [23:52] <+Hiroshi> Lower Norfair in upper Crateria.. wow... [23:52] <+Silver_Skree> Ceres make* [23:52] <@MatthewPZC> It sounds cool [23:52] <@MatthewPZC> Who DOESN'T love the Lower Norfair music? 00[23:52] <@FirePhoenix> DAMN RIGHT IT DOES [23:52] <@MatthewPZC> Anyways [23:52] <@MatthewPZC> What's the second thing? 00[23:52] <@FirePhoenix> ALL RIGHT 00[23:52] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[23:53] <@FirePhoenix> IT SOUNDS LIKE LOWER NORFAIR 00[23:53] <@FirePhoenix> BUT 00[23:53] <@FirePhoenix> IT DOESN'T GIVE OFF A GOOD ENOUGH VIBE 00[23:53] <@FirePhoenix> FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS 00[23:53] <@FirePhoenix> GO TO THE FX1 DIALOG 00[23:54] <@FirePhoenix> CHANGE THE LAYER 3 TYPE TO ACID/SODA 00[23:54] <@FirePhoenix> PALETTE BLEND TO 02 00[23:54] <@FirePhoenix> THEN SCROLL THE SLIDER OVER ONE WINDOW AND UNCHECK STAY-GREY 00[23:54] <@FirePhoenix> TELL ME WHEN YOU'VE DONE THIS [23:54] <@MatthewPZC> I have [23:54] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Done! [23:54] <+LadyIcy> done [23:54] <+mm02> Okay [23:55] <@Jathys> done 00[23:55] <@FirePhoenix> OKAY 00[23:55] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[23:56] <@FirePhoenix> YOU'VE JUST SET IT UP SO THAT THE FX1 IS STYLED LIKE LOWER NORFAIR 00[23:56] <@FirePhoenix> ACTUALLY, RETURN TO THE FX1 FOR A SECONDD [23:56] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yes? 00[23:56] <@FirePhoenix> SCROLL TO THE SECOND PAGE AND CHECK THE BOX CALLED BG WARP-CASCADE HEAT [23:57] <+Anti-matter_Drone> That it? 00[23:57] <@FirePhoenix> YES 00[23:57] <@FirePhoenix> SAVE FX1 [23:57] <+Yuki_Nagato> o_o ok then :o 00[23:57] <@FirePhoenix> THIS WILL MAKE THE BACKGROUND WARP AROUND LIKE IT WOULD IN A HEATED ROOM 00[23:57] <@FirePhoenix> BUT DOES NOT ACTUALLY ADD THE HEAT EFFECT 00[23:57] <@FirePhoenix> NOW 00[23:58] <@FirePhoenix> FINALLY, LET'S MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HELL HAS COME TO CRATERIA [23:58] <+mm02> The water turned hostile [23:58] <@MatthewPZC> XD [23:58] <+Yuki_Nagato> XD 04[23:58] <@MatthewPZC> FP, that sounded silly. 00[23:58] <@FirePhoenix> YES, BUT IT'S ACCURATE :) [23:58] <@MatthewPZC> Yup [23:58] <@MatthewPZC> Just like mm02's comment. 00[23:58] <@FirePhoenix> CHANGE THE GRAPHICS SET TO CGRAPHICS SET 2 [23:58] <@MatthewPZC> aaanyways [23:58] <@MatthewPZC> Where's that [23:58] <@MatthewPZC> *? 00[23:59] <@FirePhoenix> THE GRAPHICS SET DROPDOWN IS RIGHT ABOVE THE MUSIC ONES [23:59] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Above the music.... [23:59] <+Yuki_Nagato> o_o holy shit [23:59] <+Yuki_Nagato> that looks way different :D [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> Oh noes [23:59] <+Silver_Skree> yeah. [23:59] <+Silver_Skree> it's badass. 00[23:59] <@FirePhoenix> HELL ON CRATERIA Not-Really-Lessons: Other random tidbits of info. *Graphics mistakes!* [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> Everything's...glitchy [23:59] <+Silver_Skree> even for a pallate swap [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> Oh oops [23:59] <+Hiroshi> oh cool! [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> Wrong one [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> Ha ha ha... [23:59] <+Yuki_Nagato> XD 00[23:59] <@FirePhoenix> LOL [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> I picked 10 [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> When you said 2 [23:59] <@MatthewPZC> Ironic that 10 happened to be Lower Norfair [00:00] <+Yuki_Nagato> XD [00:00] <+Anti-matter_Drone> That's why I said it earlier.... [00:00] <+Anti-matter_Drone> :O [00:00] <+Silver_Skree> actually all of norfair is 1 tileset [00:00] <+Silver_Skree> :P *Window Size* [00:00] <+Anti-matter_Drone> The music and graphics set.... [00:00] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I mean, it's on the border right now.... [00:01] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It's beyond it partially.... [00:01] <+Anti-matter_Drone> What about those with 800x640 monitors? DX 00[00:01] <@FirePhoenix> that's likely a result of window size [00:01] <+Anti-matter_Drone> It is.... [00:01] <@Jathys> I know, I know.... and it has already been fixed for the next version, so I don't need to do anything with it 00[00:01] <@FirePhoenix> do you have vista? [00:01] <+Anti-matter_Drone> You can't change it.... [00:01] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Nope. 00[00:01] <@FirePhoenix> okay good 00[00:01] <@FirePhoenix> then you can do this [00:01] <+Anti-matter_Drone> XP.... 00[00:02] <@FirePhoenix> VISTA USERS DO NOT FOLLWO THESE INSTRUCTIONS 00[00:02] <@FirePhoenix> preferences -> View -> Window -> Large (2x2) [00:02] <+Hiroshi> I have 2x2 on by default *The Windows Vista SMILE Window Size bug* [00:02] <+Flint> Why can't vista users use? [00:02] <@Jathys> oh... THAT issue... hahaha... dumbasses 00[00:03] <@FirePhoenix> it messes up for Vista users [00:03] <@Jathys> wait a second... shit... that was out loud [00:03] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Ah! Thanks! [00:03] <+Flint> Why? Vista sucking? Meh, it can't be more obvious XP *continues to watch explination* 00[00:03] <@FirePhoenix> basically, there's some error [00:03] <@Jathys> (hoping to fix that for vista in the next release, though not sure how yet) 00[00:03] <@FirePhoenix> that when the window size is smaller than 3x2 on vista [00:03] <+Hiroshi> Actually, almost everyone I know of who has used it complains about Vista at least once a week 00[00:04] <@FirePhoenix> SMILE messes up [00:04] <@Jathys> it's not smile that messes up..... on Win95,Win98,Win2000,WinXP, and Windows emulated on a Mac it works perfectly.... Vista is what messes it up 04[00:04] <@MatthewPZC> So, is there ANYTHING else we should know right now, FP? 00[00:04] <@FirePhoenix> because the map editor bursts out of it's location and covers up the room selector 00[00:04] <@FirePhoenix> Matt: not really 00[00:04] <@FirePhoenix> that's the basics 00[00:04] <@FirePhoenix> you can pretty much make a hack just with this knowledge [00:04] <@MatthewPZC> Okay Lesson 9: Very basic enemy editing 06[00:04] * +Hiroshi was hoping for some basic enemy placement information, but will wait for next time 00[00:05] <@FirePhoenix> enemies 00[00:05] <@FirePhoenix> well 06[00:05] * @FirePhoenix looks at the time 00[00:05] <@FirePhoenix> hmm [00:05] <@MatthewPZC> 12:05 for me 00[00:05] <@FirePhoenix> same [00:05] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Once you get them, it's just like the PLMs.... 00[00:05] <@FirePhoenix> jathys, you could probably explain the enemies thing faster than I could [00:05] <+Hiroshi> I can wait until later if that is necessary [00:05] <@Jathys> what about enemies? 00[00:05] <@FirePhoenix> explain the basic enemy dialog [00:06] <@Jathys> oh... duh [00:06] <@Jathys> righ click on an enemy to bring up the "species" form... similar to plm editor [00:06] <@Jathys> again.... do NOT +/- enemies 00[00:06] <@FirePhoenix> the ship is actually an enemy 00[00:06] <@FirePhoenix> but obviously you don't want to mess with it [00:06] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Why doesn't +/- work anyway? [00:07] <@Jathys> 2 reasons: 00[00:07] <@FirePhoenix> because it increases and decreases the number of enemies/plms without making space for them in the rom 00[00:07] <@FirePhoenix> therefore, [00:07] <@Jathys> 1) If you + enemies, the data goes into the ROM, which is already filled up... SMILE assumes you know what you're doing and have added the space in a hex editor [00:07] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I know what you are about to say.... [00:07] <@Jathys> 2) a tiny bug I have yet to find Mini-Lesson #2: Expanding your rom [00:08] <+Yuki_Nagato> so basically if you want to add things instead of changing them, you have to add free space in the ROM where the data will insert? 00[00:08] <@FirePhoenix> yes 00[00:08] <@FirePhoenix> luckily [00:08] <+Yuki_Nagato> makes sense :O 00[00:08] <@FirePhoenix> SMILE can add free space [00:08] <+Hiroshi> So you could not, say... - an enemy in one room, then plus it again in another one? That still kills it? 00[00:08] <@FirePhoenix> Yes [00:08] <+Anti-matter_Drone> How? [00:08] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh 00[00:08] <@FirePhoenix> Tools -> Expand Rom [00:08] <+Anti-matter_Drone> AH! [00:08] <+Anti-matter_Drone> *Ah! [00:08] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh nice 00[00:08] <@FirePhoenix> it will add a bank every time to use it 00[00:09] <@FirePhoenix> up to 4MB big 00[00:09] <@FirePhoenix> seeing as SM is 3MB 00[00:09] <@FirePhoenix> you can add up to a full megabyte of data [00:09] <+Yuki_Nagato> wow :O *end of mini-lesson* [00:09] <@Jathys> Anyway, find an enemy you want to change... Right Click on it to bring up the Species Menu [00:09] <@Jathys> You have a list of enemies, just as you did with the PLM's 00[00:09] <@FirePhoenix> anyone looking to see some enemies go to room 793AA [00:10] <@Jathys> Scrolling through the list will allow you (at the bottom) to view a brief description of how to get the thing to work) [00:11] <@Jathys> Special is usually 2000... if you want specifics on how that works.... smile/files/enemy_quirks.txt [00:11] <@Jathys> in the 793AA room, I've selected on the first dragon thingy [00:12] <@Jathys> the left side of the species form is for variables that can be set for this specific enemy [00:12] <@Jathys> on the right side, you see the "DNA" [00:12] <@Jathys> Changing DNA will effect *all* the enemies of this type [00:12] <@Jathys> sticking to the left side for now: [00:13] <@Jathys> 1) Choose Species with the list.... I'll choose D7BF... little slug guy [00:14] <+Hiroshi> All right, it turned into that enemy [00:14] <@Jathys> my preview description tells me that Special will allow me to change the direction the slug thing crawls 00[00:14] <@FirePhoenix> Hiroshi: yes it did, but it won't act like it yet 00[00:14] <@FirePhoenix> you have to set the enemy values 00[00:14] <@FirePhoenix> jathys is explaining that part [00:14] <@Jathys> Orientation actually flips it around in this case (floor, ceiling, etc..) [00:14] <+Silver_Skree> you could also type "D7BF" into the Species box if you already know the value of your species. [00:15] <@Jathys> Orientation is actually very rarely used in the game, but some enemies do [00:15] <@Jathys> Speed and Speed 2 *usually* are for speed, but again, this is on a case by case basis depending on the enemy [00:16] <@Jathys> generally, speed should be 0000 to about 0010, depending [00:16] <+Hiroshi> Lower equals faster or slower? [00:16] <@Jathys> Graphic Unknown is almost always 0000.... Space Pirates are an exception to this and MUST have 0004 to work [00:16] <@Jathys> lower is slower... usually [00:16] <+Hiroshi> All right [00:16] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Wait.... Where is the orentation? [00:17] <+Silver_Skree> Spore Spawn is Graphic unknown 0004 also :P [00:17] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Oh! I see it! [00:17] <@MatthewPZC> Oh yeah, question- is there any sort of palette setting for the FX1 that might make your lava, water, acid, or whatever, look red? Not the Pulse-red setting, though, mind you 00[00:17] <@FirePhoenix> Matt: not really 00[00:17] <@FirePhoenix> 03 kind of works, but the lava has weird colors 00[00:18] <@FirePhoenix> and I saw no difference on aicd 00[00:18] <@FirePhoenix> *on the acid [00:17] <@Jathys> if you *don't* use 0004 on an enemy that needs it, it will seriously fuck up your room [00:18] <@Jathys> NOTICE: [00:18] <@Jathys> Any enemy that you include in your room MUST be on the "Enemies Allowed List" in order to work correctly (except for certain things like elevators) 00[00:19] <@FirePhoenix> and certain parts of multipart enemies 00[00:19] <@FirePhoenix> like the flying kihunter enemies 00[00:19] <@FirePhoenix> their wings are a seperate enemy [00:19] <@Jathys> to remove something from the allowed list, double-click on its entry in the list [00:19] <@Jathys> to add something to the allowed list, double-click on it in the enemy list at the top [00:19] <@Jathys> do NOT add more enemies to the allowed list than what it originally had [00:19] <@Jathys> that would be bad 00[00:19] <@FirePhoenix> don't set the enemy counter to 0000 otherwise you'll mess up the palettes of the item pickups 00[00:20] <@FirePhoenix> like the missiles that appear when you defeat an enemy [00:20] <+Hiroshi> All right [00:20] <@Jathys> I chose DD7F, because it was already in the list 00[00:20] <@FirePhoenix> that's basic enemies 00[00:20] <@FirePhoenix> I'll get into enemy DNA a little bit more in session #2 00[00:21] <@FirePhoenix> things like health, damage, vulnerabilties, palettes, etc [00:21] <@Jathys> "Enemies to clear room" is a good one.... the value is simple enough to understand... "clearing" a room basically means openning grey doors ----------------------------------- End of Lessons for Workshop #1 ----------------------------------- Ending remarks, thank yous, teasers from Jathys, etc. [00:21] <+Hiroshi> Very good, thank you FirePhoenix and Jathys [00:21] <+Silver_Skree> is it over? [00:21] <+LadyIcy> thanks guys [00:21] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Yes, thank you indeed! [00:21] <+Hiroshi> I really enjoyed this - save for the babbling spammers 00[00:21] <@FirePhoenix> yes, it's over now [00:21] <@Jathys> so, I can spam now? [00:21] <@Jathys> [00:21] <+Silver_Skree> whew. 00[00:21] <@FirePhoenix> 4 hours of learning how to SMILE [00:21] <+Silver_Skree> Log give. nao. [00:21] <@Jathys> [00:21] <&SNN> thanks for coming Jathys and co. - we appreciated it. [00:21] <@Jathys> no prob 04[00:21] <%andy_k_250> good job FP [00:22] <+Hiroshi> All right, I'll exit out of here so that way you guys can get back to being random [00:22] <%andy_k_250> thanks for making this room worthwhile and not dumbass for a while 00[00:22] <@FirePhoenix> you're all welcome [00:22] <@MatthewPZC> I like this place when it's NOT random [00:22] <+Silver_Skree> what's that channel again, Jathys? [00:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Ditto.... 00[00:22] <@FirePhoenix> I'll let you all know when session #2 will be [00:22] <+LadyIcy> k [00:22] <+Hiroshi> Yes, random sucks most of the time. [00:22] <@MrBeckinshire> ok, now I can resume my bloody reign of terror [00:22] <@MatthewPZC> I wish you guys would stay, hang out with us some more, but you probably have better things to do. :P [00:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Bye! 00[00:22] <@FirePhoenix> and I will make a channel for it [00:22] <@MatthewPZC> Nice meeting you all, though! [00:22] <+Hiroshi> Same [00:22] <&SNN> i look forward to participating in the next one [00:22] <@Jathys> Silver_Skree: #jzd [00:22] <+Anti-matter_Drone> Nice to see you on IRC! [00:22] <+Yuki_Nagato> oh, that reminds me 12[00:22] * +Hiroshi has quit IRC (Quit: ) [00:23] <+Yuki_Nagato> SNN, is the time you gave AM or PM or 24 hour time? [00:23] <&SNN> PM [00:23] <&SNN> 9:00 PM for europeanjs 03[00:23] * +LadyIcy has left #smwc [00:23] <&SNN> s* 12[00:23] * +Silver_Skree has quit IRC (Quit: ) [00:23] <&SNN> 3:00 EST for north americans [00:23] <+mm02> I've learned quite a bit. Thanks Jathys and FP :) [00:23] <+Memetchilove> 9:23 PM here [00:23] <+Yuki_Nagato> crap I might not be able to make it then 00[00:23] <@FirePhoenix> you're all welcome [00:23] <@Jathys> that's the longest I've kept SMILE open in about 3 months [00:23] <@Jathys> hahaha 00[00:23] <@FirePhoenix> lol [00:23] <@MatthewPZC> Heh [00:23] <+Yuki_Nagato> lol [00:23] <@MatthewPZC> I, too, haven't touched SMILE in a while, either 03[00:23] * FirePhoenix sets mode: -fmT [00:23] <@MatthewPZC> So don't feel bad! [00:23] <+Anti-matter_Drone> I probably won't do much but, still... it's never enough to know what one knows.... Sorry! [00:24] <@Jathys> I've touched SMILE, but I don't keep it open... making something and using something are two different things 00[00:24] <@FirePhoenix> closing log Session Close: Sun Oct 19 00:24:41 2008