SMWCP Pre-Alpha Testing Notes -World 1 boss too hard for World 1. Decrease difficulty by lowering number of hits and/or removing the stun effect whenever Koopa hits wall or lands after jumping. -Is there any good reason why World 0-2 has hundreds of coins in it? If not, I recommend taking most of them out, as they'll do nothing but inflate people's coin counters very easily. There's also some question able level design, like that incredibly narrow p-balloon segment. Time should also be increased as well. -P-Switch Peak becomes low on time if you choose to explore using the items given to you, recommend adding more time or making it 0. -Hydro Hills may need more time as well. -Flashing on the event activation after beating Level A. -Craggy Heights goalpost is miscolored. -Glitchy Gabons and Upside-down Piranhas in Swampland Passage -Grinder Castle very long and difficult for World 2. Recommend more powerup placements and a time reset when the player reaches the Koopa ferrying portion so that when they use the reset pipe, they won't worry about running out of time for messing up. -Underground Falls kills the player upon beating level due to accidental placement of wrong map16 goalpost tile. Fix by changing that tile to act like tile 100 or 30. -Odd music choice in Cave of Lost Pride, assuming that the level is not final and therefore neither is the music. Also, pipe exit after getting p-switch in little room has bad FG/BG starting position. It's also strange that the midpoint is placed so late in the level. -Switch of Many Hues has glitched hotheads, assuming graphics for them aren't finished yet. Also, there are map16 issues with ? blocks due to the Switch Palace fg/bg set being used. Blue Switch pressed sprite and end message sprites are also glitched. -Danger Mines has a number of areas that jumping over the level and into the walls are possible. Use invisible blocks or the ceiling generator to remedy. Overall, level feels very sub-par quality and should probably be redone entirely. -In Frostbite Heights, maybe I just didn't look carefully enough but I didn't seem to be able to escape that sideroom with the dragon coin. A couple tiles have slightly funky palettes too. -Frigid Lake Cavern has glitched graphics all over, I'm assuming graphics weren't finished for some of the inserted sprites. Also, check all of the secondary entrances because one of them didn't reactivate the slippery floor effect. In addition, not all of the custom blocks worked, blocking access to what I presume was the secret exit. A powerup would be nice after the midpoint and at the end, the Ice Panzer somehow removes Mario's Fire power if he gets hit by a projectile. -Foresty Snow is mostly good, but has a couple of sprite memory issues towards the end where the boo rings were. I think the midpoint should be places further into the level, as it is rather early. -Nippy Expanse has a number of minor issues, such as bad palettes on the nets and goal posts, but the biggest issue is that the level feels boring and slightly amateurish. The foreground is all made of pipes, clouds and bridge tiles, while the background seems to have gotten priority in terms of looking good. I'd suggest redoing most of this level as it just doesn't feel like top quality. -Permafrost Caverns should be longer after the midpoint. There's about three screens between it and the goal. Granted there's a puzzle, but it's really easy to solve and get to the end. Also still has Here We Go! music. -After beating Boreal Bastille, the castle destruction sequence plays with messed up music samples or something. -Atop The Clouds has sprite memory issues due to the Sumo Fires in the second part. -Wieza Niebo has palette problems with the background. It seems like the palette didn't get inserted correctly. After beating World 5-3's normal exit, the event didn't activate. -Snowflake Cavern has very little coherence. It goes from clouds to lava cave to water cave to clouds again to AUS cave to acid cave. I guess it's not a huge issue but it feels weird. Secret exit also feels very difficult to find because I doubt the player would think to make such a fast p-switch run with no hints as to where the pipe is. It also has a bad tile under the wallrun triangle in the lava/water caves. -Red Switch has a bad tile under the triangle. -Chateau of Storms has a misplaced secondary exit leading to the bonus game in the ice cave at the beginning, making it impossible to continue. -Palace Acropolis could use 100 more seconds on the clock. -All the secondary exits in Sanctuary Fortress are broken. I'll have to fix these at some point. Also, the boss hasn't been inserted yet. -Buried Graveyard has custom block issues, making the level unbeatable after the first room. -Clearwater Spring has bad graphics for the custom blocks it uses. There are also sprite memory issues when the Fishin' Lakitu appears. The cloud bonus room uses the wrong Layer 2 setting and Mario can't interact with it. -Mostly Dead Desert has a green outline on things using palette 7. Change it to black. Also, there's a point early on where Mario is at the top of the screen and can jump into the walls. This needs to be fixed. -Sand Castle of Doom has odd palettes all over. I think some modifications to them could go a long way for the level. In the dark sky area, you can't see the line guides since the sky is black. -The exit after the Yoshi area in The Counterfort leads to another level's sublevel. Seems there was conflict with claiming levels. Also, in the Yoshi area the flashing shell koopa is very hard to eat if you don' tknow he's there beforehand. I'd recommend making it a normal koopa or making the tower a little thinner so that you can eat the koopa easier. -Hidden Oasis is really nice but feels quite short compared to other levels around it. -Dinosaur Reef's palette has something slightly off about it. -Morel Mountain has a lot of glitched SMB3 enemies, much like that other level in World 4. Stranger yet is that the pipe at the end of the first area leads to a "blank" level with a ? sphere. This level was used as an ending for another level earlier, though i forget which one it was and thought nothing of it at the time. Looks like some exits or sublevels got mixed up here.