Yoshi's Lullaby Moderation Notes: Overall: There are times where egg availability is really stingy, like the beginning of 2-8, end of 3-2, beginning rooms of 1-4 Most of the early levels have very similar themes to the original game's levels, often in the same World-Level position. But they're all completely changed levels, so it's just the ideas being repeated. Sometimes Egg blocks would only release a max of 5 eggs. 3-4, 4-4 2-5: Possible to accidentally softlock yourself in one part of 2-5's second half if you ground pound down through dirt and land on an embedded solid block that's more than 4 tiles deep and don't have an egg to free yourself. Unlikely, but did almost happen to me. 2-8: Really awful jump to an optional pipe in opening room. A definite step up in difficulty, with lots of thorns everywhere. 4-2: The level has an unfortunate number of points of no return that aren't indicated well. You can also jump over the top of the level a few times. 4th(?) flower is on a small split path and indicated poorly, resulting in me having to replay the sub-room to get it. Minor, but annoying. 4-5: Extremely repetitive level, repeats the same chomp idea for basically every red coin (hide them in dirt, chomp clears dirt, shoot egg down hole for red coins) 4-6: I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get to the first flower and 4 red coins without doing some kind of weird shyguy flutter with another shyguy in my mouth for a second jump. 5-2: A very strange camera bug occurred at the end of this level, resulting in the end ring not appearing right away. Once I ran to the right side of the screen and tried turning back around, the camera wrapped back and the ring appeared. Can be repeated by bouncing off the fake suns without landing on the ground first, and hovering to the ring. Seems unlikely to happen, but the way the room entrance, suns, and red coins are set up, it makes sense to just hover for the coins as you fall into the room. Not sure what could be done to fix this, aside from giving the goal more space away from the entrance setup. 5-4: Egg block should really be at the very start, instead of in a side room. 6-3: Unsure why there's a split path other than just for challenge. There isn't even a unique reward for completing the hard path like a bonus hut or extra 1ups. 6-5: Why does this level's difficulty feel like it belongs in World 1?