;Submap Split: By Medic ;Splits the Main OW into 6 more submaps ;Use: Copy the original 6 submaps into the main OW as a template. Go wild. ;Restrictions: The full main OW uses the same palettes/graphics/borders. I did implement music switching. org $04FB44 NOP #3 org $048383 NOP #3 !SubmapFreeram = $146C ;00 = Top Left, 1 = Mid Left, 2 = Bot Left, 3 = Top Right, 4 = Mid Left, 5 = Bot Right. org $048E41 STZ $0DDA org $049860 autoclean JSL Code BRA + NOP #28 + freecode MusicTable: db $01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06 ;corresponds to the values of the freeram Code: PHB PHK PLB SEP #$10 LDX $0DD6 LDA $1F17 CMP #$0100 BCS RightSide STZ $1A STZ $1E LDY #$00 STY !SubmapFreeram BRA + RightSide: LDA #$0100 STA $1A STA $1E LDY #$03 STY !SubmapFreeram + LDA $1F19 CMP #$00a8 BCS NotTop LDA #$FFE0 STA $1C STA $20 SEP #$20 BRA Music NotTop: CMP #$0150 BCS Bottom LDA #$0088 STA $1C STA $20 SEP #$20 INC !SubmapFreeram BRA Music Bottom: LDA #$0130 STA $1C STA $20 SEP #$20 INC !SubmapFreeram;this is completely uncommented LOL INC !SubmapFreeram Music: LDX !SubmapFreeram LDA MusicTable,x CMP $0DDA BEQ + STA $1DFB STA $0DDA + PLB RTL