Level 109: - Dialogue (...): "the Koopa Guardian;" should be "the Koopa Guardian,". No semicolon after "lowered;". Change "destination;" to "destination,", Move the period of "Mute City." outside of the quotes. - Dialogue (...): No comma after "Koopa Guardian,". Remove all semicolons. - Dialogue (...): What ever is one word as "whatever". - Dialogue (Transmission): "Yes he does" should be "Yes, he does". - Dialogue (Transmission): Remove semicolon after "bigger question;" - Dialogue (Trans.): "Well the" should be "Well, the" - Dialogue (Mute): Remove "it looks like?" - Dialogue (Trans.): Add "down" to "sit down and relax". - Dialogue (Mute): Add comma after "after all, I guess". - Dialogue (Trans): Change ; to , on "where you are;". Change "they're" to "there". Remove the 2nd semicolon. - Dilaogue (Trans): Remove the semicolon after "train;". Change "me and Lumine" to "Lumine and I" - Dialogue (Trans): Remove first semicolon on "hurry;" and change the second one to a semicolon on "time now;" - Dialogue (Mute): Add a comma after "Alright" - Dialogue (Trans): Remove ; after "spotted you;" - Dialogue (Mute): Period at the last statement. - Screen 4: How exactly do I warp to 49? Level 16E: - Screen 1: Too many powerups remove this one. Level 49: - Screen 12: Coins are arced in a way that seems to never be able to be collected. Level 9: - Screen 4: It's possible to get stuck here on the (8,A) in the bottom. Just remove that ability to get stuck there. - Screen C: Palettes on Coins look ugly. - Screen E: An indication of a midway point would be nice to see. Midpoint is reobtainable if dead after the midpoint. - Screen 1A: One powerup, not 2. Level 1E: - Screen 3: Palette on Blue Shyguy looks bad. Level B8: - Screen A: 1-Up is too easy to get. Level B9: - Screen 1B: Palette on midpoint outline looks bad. Red bouncing things have a wrong ExAnim tile. Shy Guy outline looks bad. - Screen 12: Screen keeps scrolling even though at the top. Level 143: - Screen 3: Shy Guy outline again. Level 15: - Overall: I'm not sure which walls can be wall-jumped and which ones cannot be. There's really only one place where the wall-jump is absolutely necessary and that's at Screen 5 but the rest is not. Spikes don't look as good as they could, graphically wise. - Screen F: Midpoint reappears if restarted there. Level B2: - Overall: Spikes seem to be really hard to see and the BG yellow is a bit too bright.