JMP MarioBelow : JMP MarioAbove : JMP MarioSide : JMP SpriteV : JMP SpriteH : JMP MarioCape : JMP MarioFireBall : JMP MarioCorner ;;;;;$7E14AF ON/OFF flag, 0=ON, 1=OFF;;;; MarioBelow: MarioAbove: MarioSide: MarioCorner: PHY ;preserve map16 high PHB ;need to change bank LDA #$02 PHA PLB ;to 02 LDA #$00 ;color shatter JSL $028663 ;shatter block PLB ;restore bank ;vanish LDA #$02 ;erase self STA $9C JSL $00BEB0 ;generate blank block PLY ;restore map16 high LDA #$AA STA $7D ;elevate a bit ;just return MarioCape: PHY ;preserve map16 high PHB ;need to change bank LDA #$02 PHA PLB ;to 02 LDA #$00 ;color shatter JSL $028663 ;shatter block PLB ;restore bank ;vanish LDA #$02 ;erase self STA $9C JSL $00BEB0 ;generate blank block PLY ;restore map16 high RTL SpriteV: SpriteH: MarioFireBall: RTL